It's the little things.


Keeping an open eye on the Weeping Angels.
Look, this may sound petty but I have a little issue with the bios on AMG (those that are used in WinAmp and Musicmatch Jukebox). OK, we may not have to abide by them or even take any notice of them, but surely if they (they journalists) are going to write a piece, the least they could do is get the information correct.

A couple of examples are as follows:

The Blaze bio: .....singer Blaze Bayley (previously of promising London metal maniacs Wolfsbane) launched a new band bearing his name....

London? Wolfsbane were from Tamworth - around 200 or so miles north of London.

The Wolfsbane bio: ....England (which had kicked off metal's gradual march towards mainstream acceptance at the onset of the decade with the New Wave of British Heavy Metal) was actually spawning a number of young commercial metal bands (the Almighty, the Wildhearts, etc.) to compete with their neighbors across the pond.........

The Almighty are Scottish. A bone of contention for the Scots is been tagged as English on the grounds too many non-Brits have this notion that England is Britain and Britain is England (I need not explain to people on this forum the difference here).

Now, I'm not going to trowel through the rest of this site spotting more errors, but the above came to my attention upon a spin of some Blaze stuff and I thought I'd have a small rant about it. Just to get it off my chest like. ;)
Those AMG ratings are rubbish.  They gave "The X Factor" a 2 stars rating and gave "The Black Album" 4.5 :huh:
To be fair, Conor, that's the typical system of any commercial critical reviewer.  They only have a limited time to listen to the album before reviewing it, and the black album was more easily accessible than TXF.

EDIT: Congratulations on your 1,000th post, by the way. :ok:
I've sent AMG corrections about mistakes in their reviews before. They've never responded.
They're good for raw discography information (eg lists of albums, tracklists) but not much else.
SinisterMinisterX said:
I've sent AMG corrections about mistakes in their reviews before. They've never responded.
That is one of the positive things about Wikipedia, correct the mistake oneself. As for their (AMG) mistakes, its either pure laziness or shoddy journalism - can't decide which.

They're good for raw discography information (eg lists of albums, tracklists) but not much else.
Yep, that's about it. Trouble is, if one uses winamp, the small bio pops up in the "Now playing" window. Often I read this and then think - why make such a simple error that can be found out elsewhere if one could be bothered to look.