In an interview posted on MaidenNorway.com, Paul Stenning, author of the Iron Maiden biography, "30 Years of the Beast - The Complete Biography 1976-2006", has some harsh words concerning comments made by users of various Internet forums. I think these comments are quite fitting to describe what goes on here at maidenfans.com. After being unjustly penalized by Maverick with the removal of almost 500 posts, and having my user rating negated, I thought these comments were most fitting. The comments read as follows, “I realized how pathetic most people are who post on that site. In fact that goes for 95% of ALL forum posters – what a vacuous waste of time that whole thing is, I don’t understand it. It’s for people who like to think what they say is important when in actual fact it is completely worthless. They feel significant because they are seeing their words ‘published’ on a screen, but they forget no one cares what they think except the same, shallow minded assholes.”