Intrested in P2P trading

Hi everyone:

It's been a while since my last post in these forums and I'm glad I'm back.

These days I'm building my own bootlegs list so I'll begin trading only through p2p with others.

This is my new site:

It doesn't have much content, but it'll have with time.

If you want to trade with me (only p2p) send me a PM or an email.

If you're into P2P trading, you should check out the Hub that Maiden World and Maiden Norway have ;)
The programme you use is called DC++ and the entire thing is practically guilt free, seeing as bootlegs are traded and not official material.  You have to go to those sites to register your nick first, then download the programme and away you go!
Thanks for replying.

I am a member of the Maiden-World forums and I've tried DC++, but I can't get it work.

I prefer other ways, those who want to trade with me via P2P could also suggest other ways to trade.

I don't trade 2:1, B&P, etc. ONLY P2P.
