IMPORTANT: Rules Update


Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Staff member
Hi everyone;

Please turn your attention to the Forum Rules, located at: ... ments;id=1

The Admin & Moderation Team has spent the past couple months updating and rewriting the rules.  We felt this was necessary in order to ensure that the rules, which had not been updated in several years, reflect the current state of the forum community and also to make clear some rules that had been enacted but not added to the rules.  This set of rules is in place immediately and members are considered responsible for knowing the content of the rules and abiding by them.

If there are any questions, feel free to respond here or contact anyone on the Admin & Moderation Team.  Also, please drop a line here to say you've read the rules when you do.

LooseCannon & the Admin and Mod Team
Messages with a blatant bigoted content

Several times I have experienced that people have different definitions for blatant bigoted content. Will the mods please describe their definition? Just to prevent confusion or wrong interpretation of this rule.

If possible, would you give some examples of what's allowed and what's not? Thanks!

Don't forget: some words (discrimination) can be very offending, even if they are said in a proper and intelligent manner. Sometimes I have the idea that the way something is said, is more important than the content. Do the mods agree with me that content should be at least as important as the form?

..Also if the post is of interest to Maiden fans, such as the release of a new tribute album, then we will generally allow it and may even consider it for inclusion on the news page.

How can one know what is of interest to a Maiden fan, beforehand? Well, I assume contacting an administrator would be best in all cases?
Forostar said:
Messages with a blatant bigoted content

Several times I have experienced that people have different definitions for blatant bigoted content. Will the mods please describe their definition? Just to prevent confusion or wrong interpretation of this rule.

If possible, would you give some examples of what's allowed and what's not? Thanks!

Don't forget: some words (discrimination) can be very offending, even if they are said in a proper and intelligent manner. Sometimes I have the idea that the way something is said, is more important than the content. Do the mods agree with me that content should be at least as important as the form?

"niggers suck", "gays must die", "Americans go to hell", "I love Osama", stuff of that content, no matter whether it is written like that or in a more sophisticated manner. In borderline cases, some people may be offended, some won't notice the offense. In that case, please inform the moderators of it.

..Also if the post is of interest to Maiden fans, such as the release of a new tribute album, then we will generally allow it and may even consider it for inclusion on the news page.

How can one know what is of interest to a Maiden fan, beforehand? Well, I assume contacting an administrator would be best in all cases?

Common sense. Quite simply that. It should somehow be Maiden-related, but it shouldn't be a blatant advertisement. For example, if somebody posts about a new tribute album or a huge Maiden meeting here, that's OK. But we had cases in which people merely registered to promote their merchandise websites, and that is clearly not OK.
Forostar said:
Messages with a blatant bigoted content

Several times I have experienced that people have different definitions for blatant bigoted content. Will the mods please describe their definition? Just to prevent confusion or wrong interpretation of this rule.

If possible, would you give some examples of what's allowed and what's not? Thanks!

Don't forget: some words (discrimination) can be very offending, even if they are said in a proper and intelligent manner. Sometimes I have the idea that the way something is said, is more important than the content. Do the mods agree with me that content should be at least as important as the form?

In addition to what Perun said, any other possibly veiled or less obvious content will be discussed by the moderators in private.  That's why there's three of us (and Shadow) - so we can form a consensus opinion as to what is and is not permissible.  Thus, each of us have our own definitions, but we will exchange our opinions and come to a consensus agreement as to what needs doing.
read and taken into consideration
ah, LC! one (more) thing :
extaordinairé (for Shadow) with no accent--->extraordinaire, to be correct
-I understand that you like accents -I LOVE them, so you can use :

pépère = awesome slag word with various meanings; grand-father, guy, stange guy, funny guy, calm guy, easy thing to do, nice thing; and all the times its use gives a nice funny tone to the conversation  :bigsmile:
plus, it was two accents instead of one  B)
Perun said:
Common sense. Quite simply that. It should somehow be Maiden-related, but it shouldn't be a blatant advertisement. For example, if somebody posts about a new tribute album or a huge Maiden meeting here, that's OK. But we had cases in which people merely registered to promote their merchandise websites, and that is clearly not OK.

Actually, it was debate on this very topic that spurred the new rules creation...

You can link to you Maiden merchandise shop in your sig, like Onhell does for his t-shirts. And if you're offering something more interesting than all the usual t-shirts, we'll let you post about it once, so long as your post is polite and doesn't look like spam.

But new users coming in and making one single post that looks like spam? That will draw the mod's ire.
Multiple Accounts:

No poster will be allowed to have multiple accounts for the purpose of influencing the general forum attitude, such as making multiple posts to add weight to an opinion or increasing/decreasing a poster's user rating by more than the normal amounts allowed per day.  Multiple accounts for the purpose of comic relief are allowed but posters are encouraged to make their true identities known.  Those who violate these rules will be subject to the moderation process.

Denied! I was about to open a new account so I could praise myself. :innocent:
Using multiple user accounts for the purpose of praising yourself or somebody else would be a very sad thing, don't you think? :P
But we have enough good faith in people to assume that nobody is doing it, right?  -_-