I was just wondering if there is anyone on this forum who is doing the IB diploma or is taking some other diploma with IB credits. For those of you who don't know what the IB is, it's full name is the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and it is a finishing diploma for school that is recognized all over the world. For Americans, that means it's sort of like the AP but more challenging, and for you English it's sort of like the A-levels, but harder. For everyone else, it's like your regular diploma or matura, or whatever you choose to call it, but probably harder. If you take the IB, or want to know more about it, here's the place to post. Now, I know that if you do take the IB you probably don't want to think about it outside of school, but this is the place were I thought all the condemned, as it were, could comiserate.
Questions, comments, concerns, complaints, rants, everything pertaining to the IB, is welcome here.
Questions, comments, concerns, complaints, rants, everything pertaining to the IB, is welcome here.