I really wish I was making this up


Ancient Mariner
So I'm watching a documentay on CBC about a guy possibly born in Romania, but has a Yorkshire accent. He stole the passport of a guy from France, and then moved to London and assumed the identity of the Frenchman. He supported himself by posing as a model in fashion magazines and acting in gay porn.

Fed up with that life, he turned up in Toronto and claimed he had amnesia and wanted immigrant status. An exhaustive search by the RCMP turned up nothing, because of the stolen identity. He got a nosejob and moved to Vancouver and married his lawyer's daughter, much to the surprize of his lawyer (who quit in outrage).

It was while he was in Vancouver that a Londoner recognised the RCMP report and revieled that he had been a gay porno star and a few other disturbing detials.

He then moved to Halifax (near me!) and demanded Canadian citizenship, but was arrested for being here on an expired permit. He was granted a reprieve on a technicality and moved to Victoria with his wife (literally the other end of the continent)

Now someone claiming to be his mother in Romania has said that year ago her son left home ecause he hated his nose and was teased for being gay.

So to sum up: A Romanian who stole a French passport, acting in British gay porn, claims to have amnesia and ends up in Canada. He marries his lawyer's daughter and moves from Toronto to Vancouver to Halifax to Victoria, and now his Romanian mother wants to see him. He still claims to have amnesia.

I really wish I was making this crap up....
well, the fact that he was using a stolen passport makes him a criminal.

Then we have fraud, by lying to the RCMP and immigration officials

and *technnically* he committed a crime by defecting from Romania in the 1980's....from what I'm told, Romania wasn't exactly nice to its citizens back then (I know that charge would never stick up in a court today!)
I'm sure there's dozens of Romanian officials who are hopping at the chance to prosecute a man under Communist law.
Where is Black Ace? he could tell us about their legal system and if they can in fact still use communist law since they are no longer communist/socialist/nondemocratic/totalitarian/meanies regime.

And Duke, Reality is wierder than fiction, in fact... you can't make this stuff up [!--emo&:D--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/biggrin.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'biggrin.gif\' /][!--endemo--]