Ok, before reading my rant, please look at this link:
[a href=\'http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/08/03/gg050803.html\' target=\'_blank\']New Governor General[/a]
For those of you who don't know, the office of Governor General in Canada is similar to that of the President of Germany or the Queen of Britain.
In theory, he/she has immense power. They sign all government bills into law. They can disolve Parliament, they are Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and they can issue Orders-in-Council without the approval of the legislators.
Since the position is unelected, they have little real power in practice. They always just rubber-stamp whatever Parliament tells them to do, since they carry a mandate from the people. When they do go against the will of Parliament, it precipitates a constitutional crisis of epic proportions. (EG, The [a href=\'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King-Byng_Affair\' target=\'_blank\']King-Byng Affair[/a] of 1926)
So they just act basically as a good-will ambassador to Canadians and the world. A nice little throwback to a by-gone era. I approve of the position.
With the appointment of Michaelle Jean, however, a few things have been proven:
1. The Martin government is more concerned with Quebec than the rest of the country. Anything East of the walls of Old Quebec City just doesn't matter to Ottawa (There's 4 more provinces over there, you fucknuts!)
2. Minority rights trump majority representation. I have nothing against immigrants, but I think the highest office of the land should reflect the make-up of Canada as it currently is. Our last Governor-General was an immigrant and a minority. (Born in Hong Kong to chinese parents). This new one was born in Haiti and is black. Two in a row is a bit excessive, methinks. The population of Canada is 76% of European descent (white). Maybe it's time they got a little representation? If this job is supposed to be that of showing Canada to the world, why not who us for what we are: A white country with some immigrants in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.
3. Liberalism is dead in Canada. Yes, the Liberal Party will reign supreme for years, but they are no longer liberals in any sense of the word. They are socialists who think they know what's best for the country and don't care what others think. Yes, they made some correct decisions in the past 30 years, but they were not the federal government's decisions to make. Canadians as a whole should determine their destiny, and whether they choose right or wrong their views should be government policy.
The last liberal Prime Minister we head was under Lester Pearson, the greatest man ever to hold the office. He believed in the principles of individual freedom to live one's own life free from crushing taxes, unwanted government programs, and unwanted government intrusion into daily life. That's what being a liberal is all about. It's not some weak-kneed anti-military thief who won't stand up for his own citizens and who thinks they are tools of radical and unwanted social change.
Gay marriage? All polls showed a majority of Canadians opposed to it. Yet it was passed. Racial laws? A big joke. Indians don't pay tax because of their skin colour, a white man is charged with a hate crime for fighting off two young black men who attacked him in the street.
People think they are owed a living from this land. No. They have to earn it. Fuck the welfare state, fuck socialist programs, fuck Trudeau and his insipid usurpation of the values which built this country.
Fuck....takes a deep breath
Ok, I strayed a bit. Oh well.
For my next rant, look for: The Canadian Senate, or A Retirement Home for Unelected Knobs who don't do anything worthwhile And later this month, be sure to catch: Paul Martin Is a Tax Evader Who Reigsters His Fucking Fleet of Merchant Ships in the Caribbean and then has the Nerve to Seek Election as Prime Minister
Now back to your regularly scheduled valium.
Seriously. Fuck this. I'm moving to New Zealand.
[a href=\'http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/08/03/gg050803.html\' target=\'_blank\']New Governor General[/a]
For those of you who don't know, the office of Governor General in Canada is similar to that of the President of Germany or the Queen of Britain.
In theory, he/she has immense power. They sign all government bills into law. They can disolve Parliament, they are Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and they can issue Orders-in-Council without the approval of the legislators.
Since the position is unelected, they have little real power in practice. They always just rubber-stamp whatever Parliament tells them to do, since they carry a mandate from the people. When they do go against the will of Parliament, it precipitates a constitutional crisis of epic proportions. (EG, The [a href=\'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King-Byng_Affair\' target=\'_blank\']King-Byng Affair[/a] of 1926)
So they just act basically as a good-will ambassador to Canadians and the world. A nice little throwback to a by-gone era. I approve of the position.
With the appointment of Michaelle Jean, however, a few things have been proven:
1. The Martin government is more concerned with Quebec than the rest of the country. Anything East of the walls of Old Quebec City just doesn't matter to Ottawa (There's 4 more provinces over there, you fucknuts!)
2. Minority rights trump majority representation. I have nothing against immigrants, but I think the highest office of the land should reflect the make-up of Canada as it currently is. Our last Governor-General was an immigrant and a minority. (Born in Hong Kong to chinese parents). This new one was born in Haiti and is black. Two in a row is a bit excessive, methinks. The population of Canada is 76% of European descent (white). Maybe it's time they got a little representation? If this job is supposed to be that of showing Canada to the world, why not who us for what we are: A white country with some immigrants in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.
3. Liberalism is dead in Canada. Yes, the Liberal Party will reign supreme for years, but they are no longer liberals in any sense of the word. They are socialists who think they know what's best for the country and don't care what others think. Yes, they made some correct decisions in the past 30 years, but they were not the federal government's decisions to make. Canadians as a whole should determine their destiny, and whether they choose right or wrong their views should be government policy.
The last liberal Prime Minister we head was under Lester Pearson, the greatest man ever to hold the office. He believed in the principles of individual freedom to live one's own life free from crushing taxes, unwanted government programs, and unwanted government intrusion into daily life. That's what being a liberal is all about. It's not some weak-kneed anti-military thief who won't stand up for his own citizens and who thinks they are tools of radical and unwanted social change.
Gay marriage? All polls showed a majority of Canadians opposed to it. Yet it was passed. Racial laws? A big joke. Indians don't pay tax because of their skin colour, a white man is charged with a hate crime for fighting off two young black men who attacked him in the street.
People think they are owed a living from this land. No. They have to earn it. Fuck the welfare state, fuck socialist programs, fuck Trudeau and his insipid usurpation of the values which built this country.
Fuck....takes a deep breath
Ok, I strayed a bit. Oh well.
For my next rant, look for: The Canadian Senate, or A Retirement Home for Unelected Knobs who don't do anything worthwhile And later this month, be sure to catch: Paul Martin Is a Tax Evader Who Reigsters His Fucking Fleet of Merchant Ships in the Caribbean and then has the Nerve to Seek Election as Prime Minister
Now back to your regularly scheduled valium.
Seriously. Fuck this. I'm moving to New Zealand.