Happy new year, Maidenfans !!!


Ancient Mariner
Hello, my dear Maidenfans,

Hope that your Eve was great and merry. ;)

Today, it's a new day and a new millesime and I wish to all of You a very happy new year and all the best, especially a good health, happiness, love, friendship, a lot of chance, joy, peace, serenity in your lives and also that all your dreams come true this year. :)

Cheers. :cheers:

Hello, my dear Maidenfans,

Hope that your Eve was great and merry. ;)

Today, it's a new day and a new millesime and I wish to all of You a very happy new year and all the best, especially a good health, happiness, love, friendship, a lot of chance, joy, peace, serenity in your lives and also that all your dreams come true this year. :)

Cheers. :cheers:

View attachment 32879
Happy New Year @TheMercenary Merci beaucoup! je te souhaite le meilleur pour cette année
New Year's Resolution

Now this is strange. I never ever heard this expression before. And since three days this thing is everywhere, boss asking what’s your New Years’ Resolution , friend gives Tony Robbins 5 tips for New Years’ Resolution, Resolution -Resolution, in the media, discussions, everywhere.


It happened to me again with word cringe. Once I saw it first time, it was appearing before my eyes for a week. Not cringy stuff, the word.
Sure and that wasn’t the point.
Point was you hear a word for what you perceive as first time and then keep hearing it days in a row.
It keeps happening and I find it quite strange.