happy 666!


Free Man
Old Timer

User rating: 94
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Posts: 666

before I go off to bed I would like to wish you a happy 666 dude  :devil2: :hbd: :cheers:

NOTE: initialy this thread was started to wish to my friend (and co-founding member of The Jive Club) Wasted155 a happy 666
D&N's 666 day is coming soon so why not to make it more general ?? like this, one's friends could wish him when he reaches
the magical post-number

for more explanations, read this
Re: happy 666 wasted!

Ha ha!  Thanks!!  I should write this day on the calander, from now on, Dec 3 will be Wasted666 day!
Re: happy 666 wasted!

D&N said:
This thread is going to have a long life.  :lol:

in fact you gave me an excellent idea:
we could change the first post title so to wish happy 666 to every-one that reaches that point
-you are the fellow one  :devil2:

personally I felt like my b-day back then, and fortunately I had someone to remember me (Forostar)
some months earlier, I had wished to Genghis Khan for his 666-day

I'm doing the change right now  :devil:
congrats indeed! It is an important benchmark. I was looking at the top posters and the big gulf between all other members. There's an average of 1000 posts between top ten posters, VERY few have made it to 1,000 period, and even less to 666... You've been around buddy :D
Onhell said:
It is an important benchmark.

I remember you saying this to Genghis Khan when he made it

I was looking at the top posters and the big gulf between all other members. There's an average of 1000 posts between top ten posters, VERY few have made it to 1,000 period, and even less to 666...

in fact, Onhell you like too much statistics and numbers -soon you'll start to editing your posts too  :D
Onhell said:
congrats indeed! It is an important benchmark. I was looking at the top posters and the big gulf between all other members. There's an average of 1000 posts between top ten posters, VERY few have made it to 1,000 period, and even less to 666... You've been around buddy :D

Thanks man!!  If only I was as quick to write a letter and mail it...  ;)
Yeah, I gave it a day... but I just had to put a sarcastic response in the General Discussion thread....
____no5 said:
I remember you saying this to Genghis Khan when he made it

in fact, Onhell you like too much statistics and numbers -soon you'll start to editing your posts too  :D

Well, hopefully I'll be a sociologist one day :p