Grunge Week on Maidenfans (July 12-18, 2010)


Staff member
By request of Wasted CLV, it's Grunge Week! Get out yer flannel, drink some overrated and overpriced coffee, and recycle some Zep and Sabbath riffs!

Next week is Kreator (yes, Albie finally gets his request). Nominations are still open - who will we discuss next?

So, let's start with the Big Four. Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Alice In Chains...

1. Soundgarden - I was a huge fan of Superunknown. One of the best albums of 1994. "My Wave" is sheer genius: 5/4 time sig in the verse, great vocals. "Black Hole Sun" was overplayed back in the day, but has stood the test of time. Their other albums were alright, but not quite there.

2. Pearl Jam - fuckin' love 'em. Ten is the best non-metal album of the 1990s, easily. Vs isn't far behind, nor is Vitalogy. I think they started declining after Binaural, with their last (Backspacer) not impressing me much at all. But PJ is a traditional 100% rock band, doing it for the music. Their Ticketmaster fight took real balls. I'll always buy their albums - yes, buy, not pirate. PJ may have started out with the "alternative" label, but I think they're one of the great mainstream rock bands ever.

3. Nirvana - didn't like 'em when they were active. Had the albums, but wasn't impressed. Then a couple months after Cobain killed himself, the music started to click for me. In Utero was really a superb record, and Nevermind is full of great songs. Maybe I just needed some time for MTV to stop shoving Nirvana down my throat.

4. Alice In Chains - for these guys, I have to be in the right kind of angry, depressed mood. But when that mood hits, nothing goes down better than Dirt. Especially "Dam That River" (6/4 time sig!) and "Them Bones". I liked their last album with the new singer too. Sure he's a Layne Stayley clone, but he fits the music perfectly.

Now if you ask me, real grunge means it has to come from Seattle. There are a lot of great grunge-type bands without the pedigree: Foo Fighters and STP, for example. (And don't talk to me about "Grohl was in Nirvana" ... he's from New York, moved to Seattle just to join Nirvana, and the rest of the band is from all over the place.) If you want the real Seattle shit, go dig up some Mudhoney or Screaming Trees. Good stuff there.
Yeah, Mudhoney and Screaming Trees never really had hits. But here's the pedigree showing the Mudhoney - Pearl Jam - Soundgarden connections...

First there was Green River, back around 1986. One of the original grunge bands, with Soundgarden and Skin Yard.

When Green River split up, the members formed two bands: Mudhoney and Mother Love Bone.

Mother Love Bone's singer, Andrew Wood, was the roommate of Chris Cornell of Soundgarden. The major labels took an interest in Mother Love Bone, but Wood OD'ed on heroin right before their album Apple was to be released.

To assuage their grief, Cornell grabbed two Mother Love Bone members (Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament) and made the tribute band/album Temple Of The Dog (a grunge classic). Those three brought in Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron, and two guys that Gossard/Ament had started working with: Mike McCready and Eddie Vedder.

Of course, the Gossard/Ament/McCready/Vedder project came to be known as Pearl Jam ... and Matt Cameron joined as their drummer in 2000.

And a completely bizzare factoid:
There's a 70s B-movie called "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes". One of those that is so bad, it's good. One of those where you can see the wheels under the evil monster tomatoes: true "Cheepnis" in the Zappa sense. In this movie, the only way to kill the killer tomatoes is to play a horrid pop song called "Puberty Love". And who sang that song? The child Matt Cameron, long before becoming the definitive grunge drummer.
Pearl Jam and Soundgarden were the two bands that I liked most back in that mid-90's era. 

I think, retrospectively, that I am more a fan of Cornell's than actual Soundgarden, but there are def a few (like "Black Hole Sun" that SMX mentioned) that really stood out; I also really like "Outshined" and "Spoonman".  Cornell just seems to have a really good 'grungey' voice. 

Pearl Jam was awesome from the get-go, and seem to be putting out quality music still (granted, I'm not as familiar with their recent album).  I could list all the songs of theirs that I enjoy, but I would list over half of each album without taking a breath.  Everyone should own 'Ten'... that is an album that should be in every music collection.

AIC--  I didn't start listening to them til later, and only just before Stayley passed away (unfortunately).  Like SMX said, darker, heavier feeling, but so great to listen to.  Easy classics in "Man In The Box" and "Rooster" (IMO), but all of their stuff is great to listen to; I love the guitar work there.  Now, again as SMX said, the new album features a Stayley wanna-be, but I mean that in the best sense; he sounds great and fits the role as well as one can.  And I'm glad to have new AIC to listen to.  "Check My Brain" is one of my favorite songs from the past few years-I don't know what it is, and someone with a better 'guitar sense' could possibly explain, but the way the guitar seems to grind down in that song is awesome.  I actually listen to that song almost every day when I'm running- love it!

Nirvana was a band that I never really did dig until the past year or two.  At the time, I felt the hype over Cobain was over rated (yeah, don't be a hater), and I just refused to listen to it.  However, while listening to what ever the grungy station on XM is, I got to listen to lots of Nirvana, and hafta say that I do like the sound.  The lyrics, to my untrained ear, rarely make any sort of sense to me (listened to "All Apologies" on the way home and still go 'huh?').  But, aside from cliche the classic "Smells Like Teen Spirit", lots of songs that would be hits today, including my fav "Heart Shaped Box".

I used to hate grunge, back when it first 'displaced' my revered hair-metal for the new trend of coolness, back in the early-ish 90's.  But, there is some good music in that and I can't help but like it.  I'm glad that SMX put a bracket around what grunge is/was, because I could have gone on for a while...  but I would like a fast shout to STP, cause even tho they are 'Bay Area' grunge, I like their sound.
Hmm, Pearl Jam is the only grunge band I ever got into. I find Nirvana overrated and like SMX need to be in the right mood for Alice in Chains, but they've grown on me. Ten is the only PJ album that had mass appeal. They consciously shyed away from the spotlight since, fighting MTV (not releasing videos until Yield's "Do The Evolution") and their fight with ticket master. I know that had to do more with how evil ticket master is and how they screw over everybody. Even so, I really like their work, even when they went folksy. Riot Act is nowhere near my favorite, but I really like Binaural and of course their earlier material.

Nirvana... *sigh.* The more time goes by the more I hate this band. Sure Nevermind is a great album, but after that what? I've heard good things about In Utero, but I'm still not interested. What I really hate is what people have made of Kurt Cobain. MTV made Nirvana their grunge darling since Pearl Jam certainly wasn't going to be (even though they are a better band), and what does this fucker do? "Oh boo hoo, poor me, I'm famous. I've become what I criticize! WAAAAAAH" He was an addict with self-esteem issues that ended up killing himself and people have made him out to be some sort of saint... disgusting. It's sad people are that desperate for heroes...

As for SMX's factoid. I used to watch the CARTOON of the killer tomatoes on USA when I was a kid :D I've never seen the movie, but I've heard it being compared to The Evil Dead in the catagory of so bad it's good, hehe. I'll have to check it out. And speaking of movies with grunge connections, there's always SINGLES with Matt Dillon and Jodie Foster. Being single in mid 90's Seattle and Dillon being a grunge musician who's band is none other than... PEARL JAM!
Onhell said:
Kurt Cobain ... what does this fucker do? "Oh boo hoo, poor me, I'm famous. I've become what I criticize! WAAAAAAH" He was an addict with self-esteem issues that ended up killing himself and people have made him out to be some sort of saint... disgusting.

Dude, if I understand your line of work correctly, you ought to know better than that. And if not, let me remind you: I've been where he was, and I was just luckier. The rock bottom of drug addiction is a hell few people can truly appreciate.

Now, the other part of your point - how dumb it is that people have made Cobain into a hero - is right on. 100%. Absofuckinlutely. But Cobain's death does deserve some more sympathy. Not because of Cobain's music or iconography or any of that shit, but just because it's a terrible way for any human being to go.

And ... nominations are still open!

Damn, used to be everyone had 5 suggestions for the next band. Weeks now, and not a peep from anyone? Fine, I'll pick one (a repeat from last year): Rush. Any other ideas, dudes?
Not a fan of Grunge but I'll make a nomination that wasn't used in the previous batch as far as I can see - Gamma Ray.
SinisterMinisterX said:
Now if you ask me, real grunge means it has to come from Seattle.

Does that rule out Smashing Pumpkins?  I count them as grunge, if for no other reason than their song "Drown" was on the Singles soundtrack - and blew every other song on that album out of the water!  If memory serves, that soundtrack also included "Nearly Lost You" by Screaming Trees (see SMX's link above), which I liked too.  Billy Corgan has written some fantastic songs, and I give him props for his commentary in the new Rush movie, he is a real Rush fanboy.

Pearl Jam has made some great songs too, but I always thought Eddie Vedder was a douche.   
SinisterMinisterX said:
Dude, if I understand your line of work correctly, you ought to know better than that. And if not, let me remind you: I've been where he was, and I was just luckier. The rock bottom of drug addiction is a hell few people can truly appreciate.

Now, the other part of your point - how dumb it is that people have made Cobain into a hero - is right on. 100%. Absofuckinlutely. But Cobain's death does deserve some more sympathy. Not because of Cobain's music or iconography or any of that shit, but just because it's a terrible way for any human being to go.

Didn't mean to be so cold, but like you said, other people have been where he is and not killed themselves, we all go through very hard times in our lives... While my views on suicide have changed a bit (People should be allowed to do whatever they want) it does not negate the fact that it is a selfish thing to do... he had a wife and more importantly a child... a true tragedy.

His death does deserve more sympathy, but it just saddens me that death in the music industry is good business for everyone, but the artist and their family (Just look at Michael Jackson...)

LC... I'll let this one slide, because you're Canadian and living near the artic circle has frozen your brain to the point of saying nonsensical nonsense like that :p
I'll second (or third....or fourth) that Vedder is a douche.  However, Pearl Jam still makes (made) some pretty rockin' grungey tunes.  I like more of their music than I don't.  I think the census on Cobain is that he was ok, made some good music, but is relegated to godhood for reasons that aren't true.  Just because he killed himself doesn't mean that he was the best musician that ever graced Seattle. 

I always found it interesting that Temple of the Dog seemed to be what rocketed Vedder to fame, yet, IIRC, he only sang back up vocals on one or two songs.  I may be remembering that wrong, but that's how it seemed to me. 

I was surprised to see that Candlebox was listed as a Seattle area Grunge band (on Wiki).  I guess I really don't know any of their older stuff, but I have the album with the song "Stand" on it, and I really like that song...I wouldn't have called it Grunge, but maybe they have 'softened' their sound?
Ok, thanks for the info!  I'll have to check that out.

Its interesting to me how my tastes have changed, and how much I enjoy the grunge sound now. 
While not grunge, actually more the folksie PJ has gravitated towards, The soundtrack to Into the Wild done by Vedder was really good.
He does make good music!  Thanks for that tip!

I don't remember if we did this, but I'd nominate Great White. I know it was kinda a 80's gig, but I always have enjoyed their sound. But iv already placed some nominations...
So, I just flipped over to Lithium, and "You" was playing. SMX, you are correct, great song. I realized that I knew it after hearing it again.
I must confess, I don't get why so many of you guys think Vedder is a douche. Maybe he's done some douchy things I haven't heard about, but to me he seems no more douchy than any other rock star ... oh wait, maybe that does make him a douche. :innocent:
SinisterMinisterX said:
I must confess, I don't get why so many of you guys think Vedder is a douche. 

To paraphrase Animal House, pretentious, arrogant and stupid is no way to go through life, son. 