I'm going to say something and I'm only going to say it once. I am not atheist, I am a devout, practicing Catholic and I am sick and tired of "atheist" who, because a nun hit them in school, because people (of THEIR own free will) kill other people equating that to the impossible fact that there is a good god, or who think they are in control of their own destiny take this crusade against religion and god. If you are an atheist fine, but keep your opinions objective "all the harm religions do"? what about all the good? all the orphanages, schools, charities, social work done and runned by the catholic church? you don't see that in the papers because that doesn't sell as well as Pedophilia. Personally I think this Newdaw or whatever his name is, is a moron. Saying "god" in a public school doesn't violate shit. TEACHING religion in public school does. I think Political correctness is complete and utter crap and if something offends you just suck it up and grow some thicker skin.
But no, now a days we have to be "aware" and "sensitive", and wear a red ribbon for AIDS, a pink one for Breast Cancer, a red, white an blue one for 9/11 and a yellow one to support our troops. Well I have a ribbon too, it's brown and its for "Eat Shit M*F*" He feels a second-class citizen for being atheist? well I'm tired of this air of superiority atheist surround themselves in because they think they got all the answers and look down upon religious people as ignorant, superstitious idiots. The bottom line is BELIEF is personal and you can't prove it wrong, follow any logical arguement try any philosophical arguement but you can't prove belief wrong. If I believe in green gnomes guess what? you can't prove me wrong. If you believe in a god or DON'T... good for you, keep it to yourself.
In the end everything is done by PEOPLE, and people make mistakes, and people are hypocrites and people lie and people get angry. Don't blame religions, philosophies or institutions, don't blame all the good because of a few bad apples (or a lot in some cases). I'm aware of all the abuse, violence and injustice carried out by my church, but it was done by people, not God (since this is an atheist thread.. if there is one).