Meme Only Account
Holy shit, you're quoting me from, like, 2 years back there! 

I love this idea. It would definitely go over well with the fans and would be a great send off for a legendary band.“Doctor Doctor” finishes playing on the speakers, and the stage goes dark. Suddenly the opening riff to “Sanctuary” cuts through the din, before switching to the “Caught Somewhere in Time” intro, and finally culminating with “The Wicker Man” riff. Now the theme to Back to the Future plays, and we end in a sparkle of color and electricity splashing our ears as the stage goes dark again, just as “The Time Machine” begins.
Janick’s intro is played on the speakers while Bruce sings his lines, and with a yelp the band launches into the full song, as the lights come on, and another Iron Maiden show has begun. A white-haired Bruce sits in the titular vehicle built onstage but later leaves it to compel the audience to “Scream for me!” multiple times. During the wind-down after the final chorus tells the crowd: “Tonight we are going to take you on a little journey into the past. We’ll be starting in the present and heading further and further back through the band’s history… Welcome to the Iron Maiden Time Machine!” Then they finish the song’s outro and the stage goes dark again.
But not for long. “This one’s called - ‘Stratego’!” shouts Bruce, as the band kicks things into high gear with the second single of their latest LP, Senjutsu. And following this is “The Writing on the Wall”, making for a trio of modern Maiden classics played at full volume live on stage. Now is the part of the show where the time machine starts flicking away the years. Scarcely has H’s acoustic faded before the pummeling “Speed of Light” intro erupts and Bruce belts out a scream.
That’s four songs down, and the energy of the show is high. But now it’s time to bring things down a bit with one of Maiden’s many trademark epics: The Final Frontier’s entry of “The Talisman”. A quiet intro leads to a stormy rager with tempests a-blowin’ and one of Bruce’s most tremendous vocals of all time. This is followed by the moody mid-paced “The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg” and the bangin’ “Dance of Death” - which allows for the band and the audience to jump and prance as the music carries them away.
With three longer songs back-to-back, we need a quick fix in the form of a classic Maiden rocker, and “The Wicker Man” has us covered. As soon as that riff kicks in, it’s time to fucking rock! Following this is the second Brave New World cut, “Ghost of the Navigator” - the second seafaring jam from the band on the program tonight. The ‘90s are represented by two songs: the Blaze era gets “Lord of the Flies”, and the Bruce era gets the ever iconic “Fear of the Dark” - can you imagine them playing a concert without it?
Thereafter, Bruce thanks the audience and promises that the band will return shortly. For the next few minutes we are left in anticipation for the following splendor that’s been pledged - and our excitement pays off when the lights come back on and we see Bruce and Davey sitting on a couple of stools, with the latter strumming an acoustic guitar and the former singing:
“Seven deadly sins,
Seven ways to win,
Seven holy paths to Hell
And your trip begins…”
Then H walks onto the stage as his echoey guitar kicks off the classic “Moonchild”, and the group erupt once more into another killer set, this time based around their classic ‘80s run. “Moonchild” is followed by the iconic “Infinite Dreams”, which wasn’t even played on the second Maiden England Tour. Somewhere in Time makes an appearance in the form of the icy “Stranger in a Strange Land”, and then we’re hit with back-to-back Powerslave masterpieces with “Aces High” adding a high dose of adrenaline, before Bruce proclaims that “This is what not to do if you’re bird shits on you!” - and the spectacle that is “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” makes its return to the stage.
The 13 minute fan favorite is next followed up with the always beloved Piece of Mind single “The Trooper”, and then we turn things down again with the deep cut “Still Life”, another song that was cut from the second Maiden England Tour but has now been resurrected for the ultimate concert tour! And of course we have to have the iconic TNOTB trio, “Run to the Hills”, “The Number of the Beast”, and “Hallowed Be Thy Name”. This second set is finally closed off by “Iron Maiden”, the one song that has always been present at every show since the band’s inception.
Bruce thanks the audience and the band members walk off stage, but the roar of the crowd is too strong and they return with a killer encore. “Murders in the Rue Morgue” kicks it off, and “Phantom of the Opera” and “Running Free” (complete with the classic audience interaction bridge) follow it up. Now they try to leave again, but can’t help but come back to finish out the night with two of the band’s earliest songs: “Prowler”, the opening track on the band’s debut album, and “Burning Ambition”, the first song that Steve Harris ever wrote, which has never been played live since 1977.
The band finally walks off stage almost three hours since they started, and leave behind them a thrilled and satisfied crowd. At the end of the tour they quietly retire, having gone out with an extensive love letter to the fans filled with cuts ranging throughout their career.
This setlist took some inspiration from Rush’s final tour, given that it starts from the most recent album and moves backwards chronologically, and I think it makes for a next bridge between the iconic hits and the deeper cuts, with every era of their history represented. I tried not to wander too far into fantasy land and instead craft a setlist I feel like they’d play (for three hours), and I think that left me with a well-constructed setlist that’s sure to satisfy just about any Iron Maiden fan.
So this is the full setlist:
Iron Maiden
The Time Machine Tour
Part I
1. The Time Machine
2. Stratego
3. The Writing on the Wall
4. Speed of Light
5. The Talisman
6. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
7. Dance of Death
8. The Wicker Man
9. Ghost of the Navigator
10. Lord of the Flies
11. Fear of the Dark
Part II
12. Moonchild
13. Infinite Dreams
14. Stranger in a Strange Land
15. Aces High
16. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
17. The Trooper
18. Still Life
19. Run to the Hills
20. The Number of the Beast
21. Hallowed Be Thy Name
22. Iron Maiden
23. Murders in the Rue Morgue
24. Phantom of the Opera
25. Running Free
Encore 2
26. Prowler
27. Burning Ambition
“Prowler” was the first song on a Maiden album, and “Burning Ambition” was the first song Steve wrote, hence why they’re closing the setlist. “Wasted Years” would be a great career closer though. Maybe add “Prowler” and “Burning Ambition” to the first encore and let “Wasted Years” be in a second encore.-Instead of Prowler and Burning Ambition:
-The Evil That Men Do
- Flight of Icarus
- Blood Brothers
- Wasted Years
I love the BB into WY closing. It was one of the best parts of the Book of Souls Tour and for this hypothetical tour would be emotional as well as memorable. I have nothing against Prowler or Burning Ambition, it’s just that they aren’t well known (at least the latter isn’t) and Wasted Years is the perfect song to close out their career.
I threw Icarus and Evil in there since they’re fan favorites and they’re both incredible songs.