I'm starting this topic for two reasons. Firstly, I had a bizarre experience today when I was at the grocer's. This lady dressed quite nicely takes these bananas that have the fair trade label on 'em. Then when she's at the counter she asks if she can have them half price because the bananas were very ripe. I mean, I know fair trade products are more expensive than the usual, but if you're going to buy fair trade shouldn't you pay the full price, I mean, isn't that the point? 
Secondly, because it's an interesting topic (I think) and I don't believe this forum has covered it yet (to my knowledge). So, post away people, what do ye think of fair trade?

Secondly, because it's an interesting topic (I think) and I don't believe this forum has covered it yet (to my knowledge). So, post away people, what do ye think of fair trade?