
Genghis Khan

Ancient Mariner

Many people seem to think that Sweden has the best equality among sexes.  From what I hear and read this may very well be true.  The woman in this story takes the other extreme.  She violently stabs her boyfriend because his performace in bedroom activities, i.e. sex, has not been up to her standards.  I don't mean to make light of the situation, but how bad could he have been?  It seems to me the more things change the more they stay the same.
Maybe it was the cold of northern Sweden and Russia that prevent the job being done right.  You know, shrinkage factor and all that.
I think he should consider himself lucky. I mean, Loraina Bobbits when after hubby's piece, this one just went for the lungs :innocent:
Genghis Khan said:
Maybe it was the cold of northern Sweden and Russia that prevent the job being done right.  You know, shrinkage factor and all that.

ridiculously good that one Genghis LOL
I'm Swedish and I think I should keep out of this discussion, but it's a 2-way street...if he doesn't perform up to expectations maybe it's because she's not performing all that great either? And of course this has nothing to do with equality, just with crazy people.
Onhell said:
Khan's your daddy?  :huh:  :uhm:  :innocent:

according to his costum title is the daddy of many of us, even of you, who knows !!
you don't seem to care a lot about titles though  :P
Anomica said:
I'm Swedish and I think I should keep out of this discussion, but it's a 2-way street...if he doesn't perform up to expectations maybe it's because she's not performing all that great either? And of course this has nothing to do with equality, just with crazy people.

It was along the lines, "the more things change the more they stay the same".  At work today, I've heard two incidences of women roughing up (for the lack of a better word) their men.  Both incidences were accidental, to a degree.  One girl was play-punching with her boyfriend (don't ask) and ended up splitting his cheek because she forgot she was wearing a ring.  She laughed about it.  Imagine the roles were reversed?!  Holy shit.  Many people would be saying "accident my ass" and there would be a big rumour spreading.

By the way, Anomica, this was not intended to poke fun at Swedes or Russians for that matter or Canadians.  :)
____no5 said:
according to his costum title is the daddy of many of us, even of you, who knows !!
you don't seem to care a lot about titles though  :P

He's my potential father because he hate birds? OH and I DO care about titles... don't confuse me with Blackie, he'd unleash Nordic Brootality if he found out about your mistake.
Genghis Khan said:
It was along the lines, "the more things change the more they stay the same".  At work today, I've heard two incidences of women roughing up (for the lack of a better word) their men.  Both incidences were accidental, to a degree.  One girl was play-punching with her boyfriend (don't ask) and ended up splitting his cheek because she forgot she was wearing a ring.  She laughed about it.  Imagine the roles were reversed?!  Holy shit.  Many people would be saying "accident my ass" and there would be a big rumour spreading.

By the way, Anomica, this was not intended to poke fun at Swedes or Russians for that matter or Canadians.  :)
I agree with you on the first point, if a man "accidentally" hurt his girlfriend or wife he'd be reported to the police etc. while a woman can laugh about this.
I didn't take it like a poke at Sweden. I tried to be funny and defend the poor guy :P When it comes to bedroom performance it seems that it's always the man's responsibility if it's a good or bad session. I think the woman has at least equal responsibility for the outcome, but that's me...hehe

By the way, even bad sex isn't too bad ::) :innocent:
I was thinking today about an incident that happened a few years back in my old place of work - and then thought of this thread.

A few years back, I used to work in this restaurant as a grill-chef (nothing fancy, if you could cook on a barbecue for 200 odd people, you could do this job). The waiting staff were a mixture of men and women and mainly it was the waitresses that suffered the indignity of a drunkard customer been a little bit too friendly. This was not appreciated here and rightly so and as such, all male parties of over 6 (I seem to recall) were not allowed. All female parties, however, were allowed and on occasions they could be pretty much just as bad.

This one instance involved a waiter taking an order for 15, fairly drunk, women. He was groped left right and centre and almost stripped of some of his clothing which left him pretty mortified and very apprehensive of going anywhere near the table.

The response of the management and most of the staff?

"I bet your wife gets a good seeing too tonight."

Not quite getting the mood of this guy - he was not enjoying it at all.