Firstly: This was made right when the song came out. That was before we had a lot of information as to what Satellite 15 was. So don't rag on us for that. A lot of us thought it was an intro to Final frontier (the song). Not an intro to The Final Frontier (the album) There is a difference. If it was to the song, it would be connected. Lead into as if it was one song. Clearly now that we know more about it, we know it's not.
Secondly: Then for the love of dice, why didn't they make it two songs. It's frustrating because there is a good chance that there will be a lot of days I just want to listen to Final Frontier, without Satellite 15. Every where I read said it was two different songs. So why not just split it in two. The first thing I'll do is probably edit into two songs, but then again maybe not.
Thirdly: If it's under one track. Then I guess technically it would be a single song (even if broken into two parts)