earliest Maiden live pics thread

Dick Brucinson

The TRUE Dick Brucinson
I think it'd be interesting to have a thread for only very old Maiden live pictures. I know the back cover photo from the debut album was shot in the Ruskin Arms. but there's not many more pictures I know from the very early days. I personally don't actually know any single photograph from the late 1970s. so, if you have interesting history pics - feel free to post them here! :)
Very cool BlackAbyssBabe, thanks for sharing! do you have some background information on these pics?
Okay, the top picture is a really early one from the Cart & Horses, when Paul Day was still the singer. The second one is a bit later - that's Dennis Wilcock in the Stars & Stripes top, with (I think) Bob Angelo on the left and Steve on the right. Not sure exactly where the third picture fits chronologically (except it was after Dave joined, obviously) but I do remember it came from Bob Angelo's collection via the Commentary's Facebook page. No idea where it was taken, unfortunately.
Okay, the top picture is a really early one from the Cart & Horses, when Paul Day was still the singer. The second one is a bit later - that's Dennis Wilcock in the Stars & Stripes top, with (I think) Bob Angelo on the left and Steve on the right. Not sure exactly where the third picture fits chronologically (except it was after Dave joined, obviously) but I do remember it came from Bob Angelo's collection via the Commentary's Facebook page. No idea where it was taken, unfortunately.
that's really great input, man :):yes: thank you so much. I really like the early days. I was lucky and could visit the Ruskin Arms in Manor Park when it still existed in the 1990s. I remember it was obviously not a beautiful place but just a workers pub, but the atmosphere in there gave me chills every time I've been there. a shame they locked the place down. the folks from the pub were so kind showing me around a bit and they let me have a look in the gig room in the back of the building and they let me stand on the stage. what a moment it was, will never forget.