Deep Purple in China

Eddie's Lil Helper

Ancient Mariner
Veteran British rockers DEEP PURPLE became one of the first hard rock bands to grace the stage in China when they performed in Beijing Wednesday (March 31), according to

Chinese officials have long frowned upon the rock-and-roll genre, fearful that electrified songs of protests and struggle could topple a political regime.

But DEEP PURPLE, led by 60-something Ian Gillian, showed Wednesday they don't care a lick for politics, putting on a professional show of 1970s classic rock hits for an audience never before serenaded by the likes of "Highway Star" and "Space Truckin'".

"At first I thought it was too loud, but later I got used to it and I could see which guy was making what sound," Chen Lanfen, a beaming 19-year-old Beijing student, said after the show.

"I never thought that such a few people could make so much noise."