Bittersweet Anniversary


Infinite Dreamer
My mom called me today to wish me a happy birthday, a little confused I looked at the calendar and with a laugh remembered why she refers to today, March 8th as my "birthday". It was exactly 23 years ago that I had my accident. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I fell 9 feet when I was 7 months and suffered severe head/brain trauma (save the jokes I've heard them all). The damage corrected itself after 11 years and to my mom it was as if I was born again. Thus today should be a joyous ocassion, but it is instead bittersweet for today it is also the birthday of two people who were very close friends of mine. Christian and Vivian Davidson turn 23 today except that Christian was brutally murdered 8 years ago.
   He was a very troubled person, but at heart as good a person as any. Because of his death the rest of his family moved to Canada to leave the tragedy behind them and since them I haven't heard a word from or about them. Not a year goes by that I wonder how they are doing, specially Vivian. I can't even imagine what it might be like to lose a brother, much less a twin. I hope that wherever they are, whether still in Canada or elsewhere, they have been able to come to terms with such a tragedy.  Happy Birthday guys.
Occasions like these amaze me, because they keep showing how close life and death lie together. Of course, I have my own stories to tell about that, but I'll spare them for some other time.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's death, even if it was so long ago. It's hard, sometimes even unbearable, to lose someone close to you, and some of the pain never leaves; however, one comforting thought may be that he made a difference if he lives on in loving memory.
I was going to say something, but Perun already said it better than I can.

You should look Vivian up sometime and phone or email her. If you think about her and her family, I bet they think of you too.
I'll go along with Duke, you really should try to look up Vivian.

Time is a great healer, but anniversaries are always going to be hard. I cannot begin to understand what it would be like to loose a close relative in such a horrific way - even a friend.

And its good to hear that you have overcome your trauma, Onhell (not that I was aware of the accident in the first place).
Thanks guys. I have tried looking her up, specially with thousands of sites like myspace and facebook, but she doesn't come up in any of the search results. I might have to go old school and simply ask around next time I go to mexico (this summer) and of course the phonebook. I've thought about it now and then, never really doing too much about it, but I really think I should.
That doesn't help unless I at least know the province they moved to. I got 260 results. 281 in the white pages... I need to narrow it down. And this is IF they are still in Canada. 