

A bit too few candles on the cake, compensate for it with Bier.
Happy birthday Perun :yey:
Have fun and don't forget: Bier nach Wein, das lasse sein! Wein nach Bier, das rat' ich dir :P
Acacia said:
Happy birthday Perun :yey:
Have fun and don't forget: Bier nach Wein, das lasse sein! Wein nach Bier, das rat' ich dir :P

Also: Wein nach Weiber

And don't forget either that Kein Alkohol ist auch keine Lösung.

Erm....any more German I know..... fröhlich Geburtstag!!! :D

(don't bother correcting me)
Thanks everybody :)
The big party's only coming up tomorrow, but I still had a very nice time so far!  :cheers:
national acrobat said:
Kein Alkohol ist auch keine Lösung.
Excellent!  :bigsmile:

Here's what wiki tells us about our Mod:
"Slavic god of thunder and the highest god of the pantheon, Perun is described as a rugged man with a copper beard. He rides in a chariot pulled by a he-goat and carries a mighty axe, or sometimes a hammer. The axe is hurled at evil people and spirits and will always return to his hand." B)