Anyone see the lunar eclipse yesterday??

unfortunately I was not able to view the eclipse as a: it happened about 3.30am GMT, and it was really foggy anyway.

Lunar eclipses have often be taken to signify monumental events.

When King Darius III was defeated by Alexander the Great an eclipse had taken place just days before and the omens for him had not been good. And thanks to Arry we know how that ended up dont we.

And now we have another as Iron Maiden are in the middle of a monumental world tour. Coincidence????????

Anyone see the eclipse? Apparently the moon can turn a shade of red as the only light it receives is the light seeping through our atmosphere. it is supposed to be quite something...
They happen often, so I don't find it that special to be honest.

What I do find cool is that when I'll see Maiden in the Netherlands, there will be a FULL moon.

And by the light of the moon
He prays for their beauty not doom

What an atmosphere! I can see Bruce pointing at the sky!!
Onhell said:
Didn't notice it... then again I was doing bedchecks and paperwork...
Oh, oh, oh! Paperwork! Sounds fun!  :P No really, what's your job mate?  :)
Case Manager at a domestic violence shelter... night shift. So making sure nodoby is having seazures doing drugs or coming home drunk.... every now and then (like later on today) I'll have an early morning session.
Yep, saw it, it was beautiful and all that, but freezing cold! One of my mates took pretty cool pictures with his near professional camera, if I get them any time soon I might put some up.
It was pretty cool.  My wife is an amateur photographer and snapped some photos.  It was clear as a bell down here until about 5 minutes after the moon was fully eclipsed, so she got some good shots.
I was going to see it but I got my hands on a copy of Mass Effect the same night. Maybe my priorities are off but I've been drooling over the game for months.
The Duke and I went and watched it every 15 minutes.  Drinking beer in between, of course.  It was a neat happening, though I still remember the mostly-complete solar eclipse I once casually observed while delivering my morning papers back at age 15.