500 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time


Educated Fool
German Metal Hammer published a special issue dedicated to 40 anniversary of the magazine. The journalists and musicians compiled Top 500 list including the Best Heavy Albums in history. Number One is Metallica's "Master of Puppets", Iron Maiden albums are listed too. Unfortunately, I can't buy this magazine, so maybe someone who know the list could reveal us the positions of Maiden albums? It'd be so interesting to know the reselts.

On behalf on myself and the other users - THX a lot!
GNR and AC/DC are not metal so same Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Hard Rock or Heavy Rock.
Did they leave those bands off the list?

I would be curious to see the whole list. For a mainstream audience magazine I think Master of Puppets is a good #1. It is probably the inflection point of a Metal band going mainstream while still being undisputedly a metal band. That title track really pushes the boundaries of mainstream Metal and I think it’s worth giving Metallica credit for making such an iconic song that is still relentlessly heavy and kinda complex.
Did they leave those bands off the list?

I would be curious to see the whole list. For a mainstream audience magazine I think Master of Puppets is a good #1. It is probably the inflection point of a Metal band going mainstream while still being undisputedly a metal band. That title track really pushes the boundaries of mainstream Metal and I think it’s worth giving Metallica credit for making such an iconic song that is still relentlessly heavy and kinda complex.
As I see the critics seem to a way more appreciate Judas Priest over Maiden. After last two albums Judas Priest are bigger legends than ever. I have German MH lists from a few past years with annual fan votes results for Metal Albums of All Time. Master of Puppets and The Number of the Beast were always top of the tops. The fans probably more appreciate Maiden than journalists, even in Germany.
I think Maiden’s production style and refusal to write throwback songs makes them a nonstarter with critics.
I moved this to general music since it’s not really a Maiden specific topic. Come check out our discussions on other bands if you haven’t already!