I gotta say the more i look at the cover art the more i like it. I've hated pretty much every eddie since riggs stopped painting him. At least this time they got eddies nose right.
As much as I'd like to, honestly i can't. There were four other people in the room all looking through a bunch of other promo garbage talking away. The title was in the chorus though.
More the songwriting on the final frontier rather than the production. This song production wise was very live, at one point when the three guitars broke into one of their infamous harmonys, the bass and drums had an almost sloppy feel to them. Bruce sounded great though and there is a cool...
There is a promo disc with the title track out already. I have record label connections. I heard it only once. It was certainly not a fake, I've loved the maiden since 1985 (30 years, crazy!), i know a maiden tune when i hear one. It was alot to take in, like when you first heard the final...
Hi all, first time posting. I heard the title track yesterday morning, to my ears it is a continuation of the final frontier sound. The production is very very live sounding. It was ok, it didn't grab me and pin me to the wall, but it was maiden and it was ok. Sorry for bad english.
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