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  1. G

    Run For Your Lives! Setlist speculation thread

    Your setlist is realistic. Maybe i would remove Rime and Evil that men do, and replace them by 2 or 3 deepcuts (Remember, Prowler, Only the good, Die with your boots on, 22)
  2. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Not sure about that. At least, they can contribute on the next album, maybe not on every song.
  3. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Hello, The show was very good. He had a cold, but honestly, apart some songs (Chorus of Darkside and Tears, and Book of Thel sing in a lower key), Bruce was very good and pro
  4. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    It's exaggerated. Ok the first verses are weird and almost out of tune. And if we are meticulous, we can say that the chorus is a little repetitive and the transition with the Black Sabbath Part is not perfect, but the rest is good, even very good. I am sure that this song will be a killer live.
  5. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Yes. And I hope Kill Devil Hill, one of my favorite songs from Bruce solo.
  6. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Yes indeed, Skunkworks vibe
  7. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Everyone has their own taste. :) For me, this song is by far the worst song on the new album. The intro is good but the same as the song Freak. The instrumental part in the middle is quite good and the Chorus is ok, but the verses are awful: this is not melodious and he has not the voice...
  8. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Not sure of that. I have the feeling that some spoken parts have been added and the guitar solo at the end, and maybe some arrangements. But the rest seems coming from the original recording. If you're right, at their place, i would have re recorded some other parts.
  9. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Lol, Back to the future
  10. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    I have read somewhere that they were guest musicians on the new album. Apparently chris declercq on Rain on the graves. Do you know the others?
  11. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Agree with you for the Lyrics and the fact that this song could have been better. Personally I would change also some weird vocal lines. But i love the last part of the song and the spoken words
  12. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Exactly, like the final section of Empire of the Clouds
  13. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    I like this moment, and like you the part after, but this is the last minute which is for me "eargasmic"
  14. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    I don't know why but i think you will not rank Mandrake in the top of your list :) :)
  15. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    I like this song and the ending is beautiful, Bruce at his top, but i don't see really a chorus in this song, apart "this is your life, world of the dead..." which is for me the worst part of the song.
  16. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    My only complaint is that he lets some weird vocal lines. We know that it was improvising but he could have done more re recording or corrections
  17. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    Little change for me, after a week-end of listening:) Finger is more than a good B Side. 8/10 On the other hand, Many doors and Ressurection are slightly worse (or less good) than i thought. 7,5/10 for Doors and 6/10 for Resurrection
  18. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    1-Chemical 2-Accident 3- Tyranny 4- BTP-Skunkworks- Mandrake 7- Tattoed Difficult to choose between BTP-Skunkworks and Mandrake. BTP is not a great album but has some great songs. Skunkworks was an ambitious project but not my cup of Tea. Mandrake is just ok with some good songs and new ideas.
  19. G

    Bruce Dickinson

    I quite like the verse "bring back my queen", :):) ok this is a weird vocal line but it s fine for me
  20. G

    Bruce Dickinson