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  1. M

    Judas Priest

    It's gonna be available worldwide later. EDIT: this link works for me (I live in Europe):
  2. M

    Judas Priest

    That's what Richie said in the interview with Metal Pilgrim. They will release a live album if the fans show enough interest for such a release. Perhaps that's the point of uploading the recent videos, they want to see if there's a point in that. I can imagine that live albums/DVDs aren't very...
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    Judas Priest

    At this point I'm not so sure about them releasing the Greek show as the live album/DVD/BR. So far, they've shown US 3 songs of the 16 they played in Athens, none of them is described as a single. They're meant to promote the US leg of the tour. And I guess that Rapid Fire isn't the last track...
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    Judas Priest

    I don't think that SWoD needs a remix. It doesn't sound bad. Yes, they should have started working with Allom way earlier, and if they did, the '70s records would sound much more powerful (Unleashed in the East serves as the proof), but it's not a bad-sounding LP. Damn, it sounds pretty nice, if...
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    Judas Priest

    I doubt that they will release the Greek show as a live album/DVD, but it definitely seems that they're analyzing the fans' reactions and they want to see if there's a demand for such a release. The perfect option would be a DVD from some concert (probably a festival gig since they're almost...
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    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    A Powerslave box set with the 1984 Hammersmith gig would be cool. We know these recordings exist, so releasing it'd be a perfect opportunity. That being said, I don't think that it'd make sense for another tour to be Powerslave-themed. It's already been done once. I have no doubt that a...
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    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    Powerslave turns 40 this September, so it's natural that they released some merch to celebrate it.
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    Judas Priest

    As God is My Witness could successfully replace Lightning Strike. Both are fast, cathy songs. It definitely deserves a chance to shine live. I think it will happen, sooner or later. Never the Heroes was first performed 4 years after the premiere of Firepower, so who knows.
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    Judas Priest

    Dropping a few songs is very likely. They usually treat the first gig as a test for the setlist, they see how it works in front of their fans, and then they change some things. IMO they shouldn't play 2h setlists anymore, Rob is too old for that. Reducing the number of songs to 18 would be a...
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    Judas Priest

    Gates of Hell is my fav track from Invincible Shield, so I'm glad they played it and I hope it stays in the setlist. I think that they might shorten the setlist since it looks really intense, but if they do, I hope that they'll get rid of the songs they've already played in Europe this year...
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    Yeah, it seems like he doesn't really understand how Accept works.
  12. M

    18th Studio Album discussion

    Metal Pilgrim knows a lot about the bands he talks about, but his content is made for more casual listeners. If you've been following Maiden or Priest for years, you won't learn anything new from his videos. But to me, his biggest problem is that he's always extremely positive about anything his...
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    Excellent news. It seems that I'll finally be able to see him live. Balls to the Wall is my favorite Udo-era album and many of the tracks from it haven't been played by Accept for a long time, so I'm sure that I'm gonna have a lot of fun in March.
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    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    I agree with the previous posts. On the other hand, a Powerslave-themed tour with a setlist that doesn't include Aces High would feel a bit weird, wouldn't it? It's one of their most popular tracks, so I wouldn't be surprised if they brought it back for a Powerslave celebration.
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    I've listened to the album 3 times so far. I like it. It's not as good as any of the first 3 records made with Mark, but it's definitely solid and enjoyable. I think that they shouldn't have released the title track as the lead single, it's the weakest song on the album. My favs? Southside of...
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    18th Studio Album discussion

    Could be since Bruce called it a "big tour". I guess they'll want to show something at least as spectacular as Legacy of the Beast, if not even more advanced than that. And then Bruce will be free to record as many albums and play as many tours as he wants. Sounds like a reasonable scenario.
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    It's definitely the best one so far. The riff is really tasty, and the track itself is catchy. Nothing mindblowing, but surely satisfying. However, I don't think that the record will beat Saxon's recent album. But maybe they saved some gems for the premiere.
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    KK's Priest

    Demolition is a horrible record. There are like 2-3 good songs on it, the rest is awful and ridiculously awful. But I really enjoy Jugulator. Could have been better, but there's a bunch of very solid tracks on the album. I really wouldn't mind hearing Bullet Train live, not to mention Cathedral...
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    KK's Priest

    2005-2009 were the worst years in Rob's career. I'm gonna see them at Masters of Rock, they were given 1h15, so the setlist is going to be just a bit shorter than their usual headlining set. I'm hoping for more Ripper-era tracks (Hell is Home, Blood Stained, Jugulator...) and it'd be nice if...
  20. M


    Interesting. Just a few days ago I read a French interview with Wolf and he called Phil "their live guitarist", not a "special guest". It made sense since most of the guitar tracks on Accept's albums are recorded by Wolf himself anyway. This situation sounds weird and it'd be nice to clarify it...