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  1. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    It is on youtube, right? Can we have a link?
  2. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    I didn't know it was a thing, thanks.
  3. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    How was the sound quality of the leaked albums (TFF and TBOS)
  4. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    It has HAHA! at the end lol.
  5. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    My problem with leaks is the most naive one, I guess. I just want all the fans to experience the album at the same time lol. I hate different release day for different countries too (especially for movies). Just wait guys, 3rd of semtember will be very entertaining to be here. It may be the...
  6. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    After Nights of the Death, I don't want another live album without a proper producer. NotD sounds terrible.
  7. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    I know I am being greedy, but it is obvious that this album will make me crave for album no:18. I mean, no need to another classics tour, just tour for senjutsu and go back to the studio. Please... Another 5 years with tours would mean wasting their creativity. I know they sell millions of...
  8. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    I guess it is the lowest rating yet, right?
  9. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Wow, they are printing in Turkey? (matbaacılık means printing in Turkish). That means my amazon copy will travel 10000 kms to USA and then will come back to me with another 10000 kms travel lol.
  10. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    If It will be released by local time, does changing my phone's location work? I guess we are all gonna move to New Zealand for a day.
  11. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    LOL! I'm just a triggered maiden fan who is trying to understand what is wrong with this guy.
  12. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Yeah of course, I was just curious.
  13. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Theneedledrop on youtube (the album rating guy) put both of the singles among the worst songs of their weeks, what do you think about it? He says Bruce sounds terrible, guitar sounds are thrash etc. I'm not a big fan of that guy but is there anyone who follow him and know his taste?
  14. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    One thing is certain, Bruce likes Senjutsu more than the Harris Epics, whenever someone asks about 4 Harris epics, Bruce starts to talk about title Track.
  15. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Maiden did it too actualy. DoD was compressed and they went to the other direction. When I listen Death or Glory and Spite Out of the Bone respectively, I can't say I prefer Metallica's way of production. Guitars in Metallica albums sound weird to me. May be it is just me but their distortion is...
  16. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Do you prefer Death Magnetic's production to newer Maiden?
  17. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    It is not a joke tho. It is a quote. It sounds cringy but that line gets lots of hate and I think it doesn't deserve it.
  18. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    The weird thing about people is that There are also people who say "meh, gallop again, they are making the same music for 40 years. I get it, this is their thing but someone should say them it is 2021" while maiden fans cheering four "oh a galllop song again after such a long time, this is like...
  19. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    But this makes casual listeners to skip albums. "oh I heard new maiden single, gonna skip this album too" I saw lots of tweet like that. Most people don't know maiden singles are not on par with other songs in the albums.
  20. cedenede

    Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

    Thank you! Became a member for this lol.