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  1. Shmoolikipod


    I'm not a drummer, but the drumming here makes me want to cry. Cathartic
  2. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Washington is Next is probably the new song I've spent the most time with so far. Aggressive and fun. Love Bites is great too. Really liked Still of the Night, it has a lot of twists compared to your usual glam song.I'll have to vote for Noldor though so the show doesn't get postponed again...
  3. Shmoolikipod

    FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

    Oh my god, this is way too accurate...
  4. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    I'm not sure The Rhymes of the Mountain is better than Round and Round, but I'm voting for it if only because I'm sad about Cold Runs the River. It's really a great album.
  5. Shmoolikipod

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    I saw what looked like glue on my guitar's pickguard. Nope, just plastic film I didn't notice for two years.
  6. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Oops, thought the poll closes tomorrow. Time flies. 46&2 is one of my less liked Tool songs and it still slaps, they have such a strong catalog.
  7. Shmoolikipod

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    Same, it was a plot by the moderators to generate discussion on this thread methinks.
  8. Shmoolikipod


    Same for me, I adore it!
  9. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Abigail is a solid KD song, my opinion on Sentenced hasn't changed. It's interesting and I could enjoy this if I was more invested. Lateralus made me want to quit and go listen to that album instead. Killed by Death didn't, though it is one of Motörhead's best. Anything over Shout at the...
  10. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    I only know their big songs but Child in Time and Perfect Strangers are my top two, easily. The comments shocked me too.
  11. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Antithesis of Light is just more tense and engaging. I love all the rhythmic stuff about it, they let me build a story in my head. Great tones. The Wizard wasn't bad, cool bass and classic Sabbath guitar, but the main selling point here is definitely the harmonica melody and it wasn't enough to...
  12. Shmoolikipod

    FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

    AI made but still
  13. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Fantastic choice @Kalata, Ride the Sky is pure awesome energy, the instrumental kicks ass and this is the perfect song for Kai's vocals. Love the synth coming in at "give me wings to fly". Would've made my list if I found space for it. My Eternal Dream is very strong too and has a great chorus...
  14. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    I kind of agree with you here. It's like nu metal and the whole metal umbrella, you have 10 Linkin Park fans and 1 of them will realize they like Maiden and Metallica, often more than LP, that's probably the path most young metalheads take. And the older fans already generally don't care about...
  15. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Bruce Dickinson is the singer of Iron Maiden
  16. Shmoolikipod

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    I almost voted for The Darkness. I'm a sucker for the hilarious and over-the-top in music, and it's genuinely killer on the guitar front. Not enough cowbell though...