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  1. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Tears of the Dragon.
  2. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Top 10 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. Chemical Wedding 06. The Tower 07. Jerusalem 08. Accident of Birth 09. The Alchemist 10. A Tyranny of Souls
  3. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    It's joever, folks.
  4. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson

    Election Day is winding down here in the States, but you still have until tomorrow morning to submit your votes in the Bruce Dickinson Solovivor! Will "Chemical Wedding" be eliminated or will another song have to bite the dust? Only you can decide...
  5. Diesel 11


    Orchid was a big step up from the previous two. It's biggest issue is that lack of cohesiveness, but almost every individual section is really, really good. Not really pure death metal by any means, maybe even less heavy than the melodeath I'm used to. A couple times it almost felt power...
  6. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Going all in on "Tears of the Dragon".
  7. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Top 10 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. The Tower 07. Jerusalem 08. Accident of Birth 09. The Alchemist 10. A Tyranny of Souls
  8. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson

    I agree, the Roy Z/Adrian Smith guitar duo is one of my favorites — but I think it goes beyond this. The whole band had something to prove. Bruce wanted to prove that he hadn’t fallen off the map after Skunkworks and could right some kickass heavy metal. Roy had to prove that his abilities as a...
  9. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Voting for: Tears of the Dragon The Tower
  10. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Top 10 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Jerusalem 08. Accident of Birth 09. The Alchemist 10. A Tyranny of Souls
  11. Diesel 11

    Bruce's Singing

  12. Diesel 11

    Bruce's Singing

    If we’re talking about the live album and not the video, then I would say it’s one of his better ‘80s performances. If we’re talking about the video, yeahhhhh it’s rough.
  13. Diesel 11

    Bruce's Singing

    Interestingly enough, I thought he sounded pretty strong when I saw him in 2019 and sounded a little wearier in 2022. Still really good both times though, I'm really looking forward to seeing them live come Friday.
  14. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Omega wedding Jerusalem? Say it isn't so!
  15. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Voting for: Tears of the Dragon The Tower
  16. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Top 10 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. Accident of Birth 09. The Alchemist 10. A Tyranny of Souls
  17. Diesel 11


    Put off writing this but I listened to Sorceress a few days ago and it's a massive step up from Heritage in every way. The majority of the songs sound like actual songs and they all had something good within them. "Strange Brew" has the same issues that a lot of the Heritage tracks do, but...
  18. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson

    One day left to vote out the #8 spot in the top 10 - anyone wanna save "Tears of the Dragon" from elimination? Some "Accident of Birth" fans who want to turn the tide on Bruce's comeback rocker? Use the power of your votes to turn the tide in the Bruce Dickinson Solovivor...
  19. Diesel 11

    The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 43-48

    Shoot, I missed this one. I'd have voted for Alien Ant Farm.
  20. Diesel 11


    Gonna try to do this. Spun Heritage today and I definitely understand why it came last (although I don't have the context of the other Newpeth albums yet). Definitely meanders a lot. Some tasty bits here and there, especially when the lead guitar takes center stage, but a ton of it is just...