Recent content by Staccatodave

  1. Staccatodave

    Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

    Per and jer, your names sound alike and u are both wordy and annoying!! which one of U is alt account, hmm??! I will just call u both PJ...... album 17, I hope Bruce wore lose clothing to avoid cancer this time!!!
  2. Staccatodave

    Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

    These Attick lemons sound like Maiden for sure!! havr to wonder if there bass player has any steve BEER??!
  3. Staccatodave


    But this is great news mrknickers!! perhaps.will be like Metallica and make double album that would have fit on single disc??! Megadeth has never followed metallicas lead before!! Thanks obama!!!
  4. Staccatodave

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    Maidenfans I bring you sad news. My younger brother @Legatodave got the covid-19 and his dying wish was that I uncover the secret of steve beer.who knows what mysteries await?? Is he lawyer, actor, fire chief, or fat man from Jeremy Kyle show??? Maidenfans I need you help......