Deathstroke2830's latest activity

  • Deathstroke2830
    Deathstroke2830 replied to the thread Running Free.
    as someone who's (almost) just 16, out of money, and out of love, i love this song. paul's vocals are perfect for this song, and...
  • Deathstroke2830
    Deathstroke2830 replied to the thread Remember Tomorrow.
    pretty divided on this one. lyrically, it's pretty dope. but the pacing is just... off. it's way too slow in the beginning, and then it...
  • Deathstroke2830
    Deathstroke2830 replied to the thread Prowler.
    awesome opener, especially for a debut album. really showed that maiden wasn’t messing around. dave’s wahs sound awesome and the chorus...