Recent content by AlexS

  1. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Trump's base is Trump's base. As for "center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016," his personality flaws have already been priced in to the equation; and the daily completely-insane freakouts from the #Resistance coalition since Nov. 8, 2016 have appalled them so much that they've...
  2. AlexS

    Queensryche & Geoff Tate

    The first half of the QOTR lead section is a Chris/Michael harmony, then Chris takes the second half.
  3. AlexS

    The Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Sorry, I pasted the wrong link. Here's the one I meant to paste: Well, that's convenient.
  4. AlexS

    The Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Here's the report from Haaretz, a liberal Israeli news source. [EDIT: correcting the link:] 50 Hamas, 3 Islamic Jihad. That Guardian article is a shameful piece...
  5. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Perhaps those other countries signed and ratified it in a way that makes it a binding treaty upon them. But the U.S. did not; under our Constitution a treaty requires ratification by the Senate in order to be binding on the U.S. Obama failed to seek ratification, therefore he did not have...
  6. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Through its various proxies, yes. Not to mention its past record since the '83 Beirut bombing, and its proxy Shiite militias in Iraq.
  7. AlexS

    USA Politics

    It would have failed to be ratified because the American people, through their elected representatives, were against it, and the Obama administration did not do a good job convincing us otherwise. Here is one article critical of the deal, which sets forth many of the reasons why many Americans...
  8. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Not just "technically": it was not a treaty at all. President Obama never even submitted it to the Senate for ratification (which would have made it binding), because he knew it would fail. It was a terrible deal, and good riddance to it.
  9. AlexS

    Guilty pleasures

    I used to have more "guilty pleasures," but then matured & accepted that most of them were actually legit great music that I didn't need to be ashamed of liking, no matter how unhip they were -- e.g. Journey, Eagles, Jackson Browne, early Loverboy, Sammy Hagar, Night Ranger. Fuck the snobs. In...
  10. AlexS

    Favorite "Hair Metal" Albums

    As I said in a post above, the term "hair metal" didn't really come into use until the early 90s when grunge & alternative were taking over the hard rock genre. In the 80s, we didn't really have one blanket term for "non-serious" hard rock that was kind of metal-ish, but with a lot of power...
  11. AlexS

    Favorite "Hair Metal" Albums

    You weren't supposed to take Poison seriously. I admit, I hated them when they came out. OK, "Nothin' But A Good Time" wasn't a terrible song, but any other of their songs would make me dive for another radio preset button in my car if they ever came on. Especially "Every Rose Has Its Thorn"...
  12. AlexS

    Favorite "Hair Metal" Albums

    Also, the term "hair metal" didn't really come into use until the genre was already tired and on its last legs in the early 90s -- it was a dismissive pejorative for a style of music & fashion that was being replaced by grunge & "alternative" rock.
  13. AlexS

    Why Judas Priest aren't as popular as Iron Maiden?

    Priest was more well-known in the mainstream in the U.S., at least for music. "Livin' After Midnight" and "You Got Another Thing Coming" both got lots of radio play; Priest played the US Festival in '83, and were among the bands specifically singled out by Tipper Gore's PMRC (though so were The...
  14. AlexS

    Adrian, Janick and Dave's guitars and Steve's basses

    Since we're discussing adding Steve's gear to this thread, and I'm curious: anybody know whether the synth at the beginning of the "Caught Somewhere In Time" intro was Adrian's Roland synth guitar, or Steve using either a MIDI bass or synth bass pedals? Steve makes more sense since the two...
  15. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Skepticism is my default response to reports of absolutely insane stuff happening such as this. The Hawaii incident just confirms my instinct. If I got a phone alert such as the one that got sent out in Hawaii I'd immediately turn on the TV, radio, check the internet, etc. to see if there was...