The Trooper VIP Pre Party or First to the Barrier ... " WHICH ONE IS BETTER"



My question to all the Maiden fans

The Trooper VIP Pre Party or First to the Barrier ... " WHICH ONE IS BETTER" In your opinion

The VIP party says early entry which means you are entitled to be in the venue before the general public with lots of goodies

However Maiden FC winners will get first grab at the best standing view first hand around 60 are chosen I believe

If you want the best standing view

Which way would you choose ?
Thanks a lot for replying chip ... I truly appreciate it

Thanks ... Yeah seems like VIP will be first ones behind first to the barrier

Are you part of the fan club ?
First to the Barrier is a lot of fun. I have been lucky enough to win it twice in the past. There is a great atmosphere amongst the fans that win it - they all meet in a group before the show and of course they get to know each other during the time before the bands hit the stage.

I'll point out the obvious though - VIP is guaranteed, whereas FTTB is a lucky draw. Of course, VIP is also a lot of money :-)
I emailed them regarding the FTTB .... You still have time to sign up for FTTB if your a part of the IRON MAIDEN FC
I intend to enter FTTB for my show in Tacoma. For Vegas I guess we were selected for the VIP pre party. Is the band supposed to be there?
I entered the FTTB this morning for Ft Lauderdale.... I have failed every tour to get into one of their pictures.... I am destined to succeed this tour!
I'm going to try to stand where Dave stands..... He and Adrian always stand side by side with Steve occasionally intervening... If possible, maybe just the center but who knows.
You were selected for FTTB? That's three people on here now.
Wow! Who else got picked? I'm so surprised, I figured since this show is nearly sold out it would be pretty slim chances. First time I've ever been chosen.

I'm going to try for front and center- or Jan and Steve's side if that doesn't work out.
So we got the email today for Tulsa and it doesn't say where to meet this Kim person? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, are we able to leave after we go to the merch booth to bring our stuff to the car? I dont' want to haul Trooper gear and tour merch around all night. Not so concerned with FTTB, as i didn't win that. But sure want to be able to put my GOODS up before the show. Anybody...?????
Er, no idea. I've only heard of one forum member going to one of these and he was invited by a friend who got a place.
I honestly don't know either. I am planning to do merch booth after scanning my card for the tickets, then take it to the car, come back and meet up for the FTTB wristbands at 5:30... the show doesn't start here till 7:50. surely they aren't letting us in that early
I've got regular and not GA tickets also so there is little other benefit but showing up early for the merch otherwise which has now been revealed that the FTTB will get first crack at anyway.

where did you hear they get first crack? Is it because they get in the door 15 minutes before? I have FTTB for the show tonight and have worried to death I will miss any good tees. This raises my hopes for getting some if no one can enter till 7 except the FTTB people.