Funny Story, Sunday my girlfriend and I went to visit a a friend of mine at the hospital as he came down with a nasty case of the flu which became pneumonia. On the drive up we were talking about nothing in particular and she was telling me how as a teenager she got in her fair share of fights and how she never really held a grudge towards the other girl... or guy lol. She's a bit of a tomboy and she said how in that sense she was a lot like a stereotypical man, in that you can get in a fight and right after not hold any hard feelings or even befriend the person. There is a point to this, I promise.

When we arrived at the hospital my friend was telling us how he was sick of shitty TV and reruns of awful shows and how he missed Hulu and Netflix. He said he was watching Grimm and in one particular episode two characters meet up and one says, "It's about time we settle our differences... with violence." He said that something about the line and its delivery made him laugh.

That day we rented to movies, Hunting Season and The Purge. Hunting Season is the story of two veterans from the Bosnia conflict in 1995, one American played by Robert DeNiro and one Serbian played by John Travolta. Both turn in great performances. Travolta is part of a Serbian death squad which was captured and executed by DeNiro's batallion or whatever you call a group of 5-6 soldiers. DeNiro has been haunted by the conflict and the execution ever since choosing to become a recluse. Travolta, left for dead, is taken to a hospital, after years of care and physical therapy he decides to go hunting for the man who shot him. First he meets DeNiro in the forest wilderness posing as a game hunter, DeNiro invites him to his cabin and the next day they go hunting together where DeNiro begins to be hunted by Travolta. What ensues is discussions of War and Peace, humanity, religion, etc while Travolta tries to kill DeNiro and DeNiro retaliates.

In the end, after the men have tortured each other, shot each other, fought hand-to-hand and have each told their story, they just sit at the edge of a cliff, having earned each others respect. Travolta goes back home and DeNiro, absolved in a way is able to finally move on. I told my GF the movie is the epitome of what we had talked about in the car and she said, "Like your friend said, they resolved their differences... with violence!" Thought that was an interesting turn of events for the day bringing it full circle.
Good movie.

The Purge was absolutely retarded. Stupid premise, brought on by stupid decisions by stupid characters. Very disappointed in the film, glad I didn't watch it in theaters. Basically there is a new government in the U.S and "The new founding fathers" have created a "Purge" day where all crime is legal as well as all weapons short of rocket launchers. Ethan Hawke sells security systems for those who do not wish to participate. His idiot sun takes pitty on a guy outside, who he doesn't know and could hurt his own family, lets him in and the people after him want him back or they'll kill them too.
Saw Anchorman 2 yesterday .. really funny. I thought fairly close in quality to the first one, but more over the top
Watched The Thing (1982). Didn't start off as the most promising film but slowly the tension grew and the film got better until the end. I had seen the remake earlier, which was of course an inferior movie.

Found out that the film received a bad reception, the box office was small compared to the budget etc. Carpenter himself has said it was a big fail, had the movie been a bigger success, it would have changed his career drastically. Later became a classic, interesting how that worked out...

About the ending:
The ambiguous ending left me a bit puzzled: did none, one or both Child and Mac survive? Tried to search for an answer but instead found that people claim Child himself was the Thing in the end. Well, for myself I make the conclusion that they were both human but died because of the extreme weather conditions of Antarctica.
It's good to hear you saw this. It's one of my favorite horror films yet, it scares the shit out of me. Maybe that's why I like it so much? Who knows. The 'remake' is actually a prequel to the original film and I actually thought it was really good but not better than the original of course. And in regards to the ending, I came to the same conclusion you did.
Yay! It didn't scare me at all actually (except the spider legs) but had a great atmosphere and tension to it. Wasn't afraid to show off some blood and guts either, really well done for that time. Even the stop-motion looked decent.

Overall, The Thing isn't one of my high-end favourites but nevertheless a great watch! Also, what a great name for a film!? Simple yet says it all.
Watched The Snowman for the hundredth time, and Toy Story 3 earlier today... Yep, I'm a sucker for the feel-good Christmas tv! :)
The Thing was one of my favourite horror films.
The isolation ratcheted the tension up so much.
And I think the ending was great because it was so ambiguous.
Watched The Thing (1982). Didn't start off as the most promising film but slowly the tension grew and the film got better until the end. I had seen the remake earlier, which was of course an inferior movie...

It wasn't a remake, it was a prequel. It was the story of the Norwegian team Kurt Russell's team investigate, after they chase down the dog to their camp in the helicopter.

Nit picking aside The Thing (1982) was amazing. The practical effects were much better than the prequels cgi.
So, being the holidays, my dad wants to take the family out to a movie.
Looks like the hunger Games sequel. Any thoughts?
(Consider this is a group ranging from 14 to 71)
Yes! Good movie. I think there is something there for everyone. The acting, stakes and drama are hightened in this one so even the older folks can find something to enjoy, while the younger ones will just want to see the action which is also better than the first installment.
Sorry my dad is 71, my daughter 14 - youngest and oldest of the group planning to take in a movie today.