Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

In light of the recent developments, internet is just about non-existant in Turkey right now. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. work at the speed of a tortoise, barely accessible, VPNs are banned and internet providers aren't answering calls.

Did someone say third world?
Yeah kinda expensive..on the other hand a simple hoodie from the Maiden shop is around $55 and with this Killers sweater you get to disappoint your family at Christmas too!!
I'd rather get this one:

My elementary school bully is on trial for rape tomorrow in Murica. I totally think he's capable of that, considering how much of an evil bastard he is, but I'm not really sure if he's guilty. Either way won't cry a river if he gets convicted. Just not sure whether he gets deported if he's convicted, and if he does get deported, whether he'll go to prison here.