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Last night we got a little bit of snow. I celebrated with some Symphony X. This morning, I decided to walk to work (it's only about a mile) so that I could enjoy my last glimpse of snow for the season and finish listening to The Odyssey. So I'm walking through a lovely park, watching the last remnants of snow melt, and as soon as the "Champion of Ithaca" section begins, I turn my head and face a blizzard. Flake after flake of merciless snow pelts me in the face as I trudge the remaining five minutes to work, barely able to see twenty feet in front of my eyes. I arrive at work and enter to great my co-workers with beard, hat, and jacket completely caked in devil's dandruff, and I smile, saying, "Today is a great day."

On your way home, you'll listen to Blizzard of Ozz?
I was heating up some lunch (coconut chicken, really good) , there was an instruction on the package not to use a microwave made prior to 1980. Odd
World Book Day tomorrow. All the schoolkids dress as book characters. I'm constantly surprised by how many 4 year old boys must have read the novelisation of Star Wars. Or how many 4 year old girls have read the Frozen script.
I was heating up some lunch (coconut chicken, really good) , there was an instruction on the package not to use a microwave made prior to 1980. Odd

Old microwaves might not be powerful enough. There have been some issues (a few years back) with food heated up in old microwaves turning out not fully cooked. This is why, starting about 5 years ago, most frozen foods started including a minimum wattage in their microwave directions (typically minimum 1100 watts). Very few if any microwaves from the 70s have that kind of wattage.
Guess that makes sense, how many pre-1980s microwaves can still be around? and the chicken in question was pre-cooked, this is just heating it up.
The issue came up because of Banquet brand microwave dinners. They weren't cooking stuff 100% through; they were counting on the microwave to finish the job. People got sick, the whole frozen food industry updated their microwave instructions.

In other words, it's all because of one cheap brand that tried to cut corners.
or because cheap consumers still have a microwave that is 35 years old .. a microwave older than the first Maiden album :)