Global Hard Drive

Count me in, and count on more hard drive space...

I have a 300 gig external (USB) hard drive I'm not using anymore. When Perun's hard drive gets to me, the following will happen...

1. I will copy the entire contents of Perun's drive to my drive.
2. I don't collect boots very much, but I do have thousands of albums to offer. So I'll pick a few hundred obscure ones to put on the drive. (They're all 128kbps mp3. Sorry if you're a nut for higher quality, but I prefer quantity.)
3. I will send Perun's drive back to him.
4. I will send the new, larger drive to the next person.

Thus it might be a good idea to consider me a "wild card" in the route ... send me the drive when it's getting full, and I'll (effectively) add 220 gigs more space to it.

My location: Denver, CO, USA

Edit: isn't LC missing a bunch of music, IIRC? Send it to me first, I can put all 100 gigs of my albums there if he wants it.
(But if you can wait until the end of this month first, I'm about to begin a major downloading binge in a few days, I could add even more...)
I like SMX's suggestion, but isn't the whole integrity of the plan based around the journey the drive will take, as well as the fact that we're file-sharing via the postal system?
Count me in!

Onhell (Mexico)... well, Arizona USA, but I'm not adding gringo stuff, we have plenty of Anglos for that.
Send it to SMX first.  Aside from cornfedhick, he is the furthest from Germany we can get.  It can then get progressively closer to Prune.
I like that idea!  ...wait, I thot that Onhell was farther away?  Course, he has all the good stuff-- hell, send it to SMX first, he can send both to Onhell, then me and LC (or whom ever falls in between) and onward! 
PH is right. Perun's drive should complete the entire journey.

So I'll just load up my drive with music and send it around separately. Same idea - stickers, postcards, add your own files, send it on.

I'll be prepping my drive and sending it out around the end of June. I have vacation from June 21 to 27, so I'll get it taken care of that week.

LC, you'll get my drive first. You should tell me what music you want.
Ah.....this is so tempting!  But I don´t think it would be a good idea to count myself in; I live in Mexico City and have nothing to add.  Unless somebody could kindly teach me how to transfer LP´s to a computer...
Sounds like fun, but I probably shouldn't participate, given my job/clientele.  At most I would listen to some files and slap on a sticker. 
I hope the following won't sound too disturbing but:

Apart from the more illegal (thus risky transport) aspect I am way more interested in obtaining/(co-)sharing live bootlegs than doing this with albums on mp3.

Having said this, I reckon it's possible to take no part in the SMX disk-route. Please count me out, no offense.
I'd be up for this, but just Prune's HD, I'm not worried about legality or anything like that, I just prefer to buy albums. So that's Hunlord (Ireland). BTW, I still have a fucking tshirt to give you Per, so I'll try and remember to post it over. :innocent:
Naturally I also prefer to buy albums, actually, lately I buy one or more every f**cking week due to jazz addiction.
Hunlord said:
I'd be up for this, but just Prune's HD, I'm not worried about legality or anything like that, I just prefer to buy albums. So that's Hunlord (Ireland). BTW, I still have a fucking tshirt to give you Per, so I'll try and remember to post it over. :innocent:

The Ruskin Arms one? If it's cheaper to send to me, do that and I'll give it to Prune when I see him soon.
Indeed, it's never wrong to have another clean t-shirt at Wacken. :D

So let's have a separate list for SMX's hard drive, and mine will be sent out as planned, though probably not before Monday. Let's see how final we can get the list of participants so we can put together an itinerary.

And remember, putting something on the hard drive is not obligatory at all, just a bonus.
After checking postage prices, I think I'll decline (yes, I'm a cheapskate).  Plus, I don't have nearly enough space on my hard drive for even half of the stuff.  :(
LooseCannon said:
Send it to SMX first.  Aside from cornfedhick, he is the furthest from Germany we can get.  It can then get progressively closer to Prune.

Really? since when is colorado further west than Arizona?
national acrobat said:
The Ruskin Arms one? If it's cheaper to send to me, do that and I'll give it to Prune when I see him soon.
Sadly it is, it's been sitting in my room for ages, same with Freaky's. I'm terrible with posting stuff, but won't be with the HD ;). I'll try to get to the post office later this week and send em off, I swear!
I also have one 320 GB drive i ain't using, cause my ex. girlfriend stole it from me. But i have her soundboard, so it's a status quo, more or less.