Classic Rock Mega-Knockout: Finals!

Vote for your favorite song

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Twilight Zone, and Unchained are superb songs and easy winners
Walk This Way is very good too, much better than Cold Play.
Just What I Needed is OK, Dreams is much better.
Coldplay are classic rock?

In an effort to get a group of songs that was more than the usual overdose of Tom Petty and Bad Co, I used several sources with a more "modern" or "alternative" point of view. There's 41 songs from the 1990s and 7 songs from the 2000s in the game.

Another effect of using these alternative sources: many more songs by the Clash, Talking Heads, Van Morrison and U2.

Now there's a band I actually like less than Oasis.

Oh, they'll show up eventually too. :ninja:
The last group was crazy hard. Both songs are awesome.
If it's Oasis v Coldplay, I'd go for Oasis every time :p 'Yellow' is one of Coldplay's more rock-like songs, I suppose. To me, though, they're the most pedestrian thing to emerge from the British indie scene.
Wait, do people actually call them "the Earring" over there? I've never heard that before... sounds kinda silly to me. It's like talking about "the Maiden" or "the Sabbath".
Yep and before that the Earrings (when they were still named Golden Earrings). "The Stones" is also common, although rolling and golden might feel different to someone with English as mother language.
We call them The Stones here too, but the difference is that their full name is The Rolling Stones, so it makes more sense. I didn't know Golden Earring was ever known as anthing other thn that, so it's a bit weird.
Yep, it's because "the" isn't part of the band name... it's like seeing those old 1967 posters for "The Pink Floyd". Just kinda odd.
1. Unchained is my favorite Van Halen song, it wins over a very good Zeppelin track.
2. Let's put it this way: I have a Fleetwood Mac playlist and Dreams isn't on it. The Cars track is great. This matchup shouldn't even be close. EDIT: evidently it isn't, "Dreams" is winning in a landslide (pun intended), what is happening here??
3. I fucking despise Coldplay. There should be a category of "wuss rock" and Coldplay can be a charter member. Maybe they can do a cover of "Dreams."
4. Close call, but edge goes to Golden Earring.
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Van Halen vs. mediocre Zep... eh, let's Ramble On.
Like everything on Rumours, Dreams is immaculate. The Cars song is pretty nice though.
Walk This Way. That riff is marvellous.
The Queen song is closer to my heart, but I can't vote against Twilight Zone here.
Classic Rock Mega-Knockout: 512 to 256, Round 20 of 64

This round introduces the #45 seed and its challengers...


"Purple Haze" (Jimi Hendrix) [45] vs. "Janie's Got A Gun" (Aerosmith) [468]
"Purple Haze" (Jimi Hendrix) - 1967 - #3 UK
Ranked by 9 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #14

"Janie's Got A Gun" (Aerosmith) - 1989 - #4 US, #76 UK
Ranked by 9 of 13 radio stations, highest in Australia: #94

"Running On Empty" (Jackson Browne) [212] vs. "Glory Days" (Bruce Springsteen) [301]
"Running On Empty" (Jackson Browne) - 1977 - #11 US
Ranked by 7 of 13 radio stations, highest in Washington DC: #77

"Glory Days" (Bruce Springsteen) - 1984 - #5 US, #17 UK
Ranked by 8 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #163
"Foreplay / Long Time" (Boston) [84] vs. "Roundabout" (Yes) [429]
"Foreplay / Long Time" (Boston) - 1976 - #22 US
Ranked by 7 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #7

"Roundabout" (Yes) - 1971 - #13 US
Ranked by 5 of 13 radio stations, highest in Washington DC: #169

"White Rabbit" (Jefferson Airplane) [173] vs. "Double Vision" (Foreigner) [340]
"White Rabbit" (Jefferson Airplane) - 1967 - #8 US
Ranked by 8 of 13 radio stations, highest in Pittsburgh: #56

"Double Vision" (Foreigner) - 1978 - #2 US
Ranked by 5 of 13 radio stations, highest in Tampa: #105

One day left for Round 17
Also open: Round 18 , Round 19
My votes:

First pair is interesting, very hard to compare. Purple Haze is "classic" but the Aerosmith song is better as a song. Janie's Got A Gun

Second pair: two songs by Americans about nostalgia. I don't like Jackson Browne but I do like Glory Days.

Third pair is another curious choice, but there's no doubt for a progsnob. Roundabout

Last pair is easy. Grace Slick is a douchebag* but here voice here is magical. White Rabbit

* Is "douchebag" a correct term for a female, or is she a douchebaguette?