Black Metal

You can also listen to my project, lol.

It sounds shit as I listen to it now, but the new album will be much better.
Good sound to be honest, perhaps you need to structure it better to make it a more accomplished experience. But its definitely good!
Altar of Plagues, anyone? My favourite song by them (and one of my top black metal tracks ever):

I saw them live earlier this year. One of the most stunning performances I've ever witnessed. Can't get over their split-up (I hope they'll come back at some point).
I somewhat spammed them away last time, so let me introduce the band again.

Mgła - I think they are my favourite black metal band around. Not very extreme, but the music is outstanding. Very melodic (it's sometimes controversial in black metal, but they do it right). They have an intelligent approach to songwriting, performance, lyrics... You can feel they know what they're doing. I've seen them live (very rare event, even though they come from my country) and I have to say they are huge professionals. And their image is great.

And here is my favourite song form their latest album (probably my favourite song ever by them):

Another one of their best songs live:

Highly recommended, give them a listen.
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I recommend to you all Henbane by a Polish band called Cultes Des Ghoules. It's without a doubt one of the best black metal albums I've ever listened to. The riffs on this thing are just something else and the atmosphere is unique. It's one twisted piece of black metal.

Here's probably my favourite track from the record, although the whole thing is pretty consistent:
I know these are sometimes not really “true” black metal, often more like “BM-influenced”, but I like these (bar Darkthrone, Anaal Nathrakh and Satyricon that have been mentioned):

@ your 1st post:
Borknagar - I fucking love that album, has no bad songs. Only like one more song from all their other releases tho :( But they just released a new song from an upcoming album yesterday and it's pretty good, so hoping the album delivers. Anyway, don't think they are BM anymore, Urd is more like progressive metal with some BM and PM influences.

Agalloch - Forever on queue for me. I thought they were doom metal though.

Enslaved - Only really rating last 3 albums, which are more progressive BM. Good albums tho.

Dark Fortress - Last two albums are pretty good, although like Enslaved, they aren't fully black metal - lots of proggy influences for example.

@ your 2nd post:
Primordial - Don't like their BM phase tbh. They are far from it nowadays, wouldn't even know how to classify their genre.

Didn't listen to other 4 bands.
Yeah, like I said - I usually like my black metal mixed with something else and the "pure" bands I really like are probably only Satyricon, Darkthrone and Immortal (and you could argue about Darkthrone being "pure", at least taken overall), since Anaal Nathrakh is also mixed with death/industrial/whatever.

You could say I'm not prepared yet - with death it was this way too, at first liking only the prog- and whatever- tinted examples, like latter day Death, Opeth, Atheist... and suddenly I was full into Suffocation, Obituary, Nile, Psycroptic...
It's funny, though, because at first I couldn't stand melodeath and listened only to the regular death, however today it's more like the other way around. Well, no, I don't hate regular death now, but I don't listen to it that often nowadays.

I think I can definitely confirm I dislike Mayhem - I can't stand Csihar's vocals for one and the material isn't something I'd die for. Burzum have been hit and miss too. We'll see.
I prefer my black metal as black as possible, so I pretty much just listen to the original ones from 87-95, as they are the only ones who seem to understand what black metals original spirit was.

So I recommend Burzum (pre-prison albums), Mayhem (Euronymous era), Darkthrone, Dissection, the first Emperor album, Immortal, Arcturus and Enslaved.

Of later BM albums, I like some Marduk, Immortal and Satyricon