Yet ANOTHER best of - From Fear To Eternity

I know you were. I was saying that the name came from the album, not the song.
I wasn't planning on buying it but I saw it today on some newspapers spot, coming with a huge booklet just like (the Greek version of) Final Frontier so I got it!!!
I liked the cover anyway and I was missing that version of MOTE on a physical format.

I'm posting a few pictures.

Ranko said:
How is the large booklet packed with the CD? Is it in a DVD case?

It's a plastic package with the CD and the booklet placed as in the first picture.

@Forostar: You are welcome!
Most of the booklet is the song lyrics with the album covers washed out in the background, but there are a few cool pictures--especially the collage posted above. Probably worth getting, in the US it was only $9, which is about 6.2 euros (sorry had to rub it in). One thing a compiliation like this does is make you look at the songs in a different light.

My observations:
1) I forgot just how truly awful "Holy Smoke" is, and making it the 2nd song on a "greatest hits" compilation was a terrible idea
2) El Dorado rules -- eventually all of you bashers will come around
3) Bring Your Daughter does actually have redeeming qualities
4) I think I like Dance of Death better every time I hear. Now if only they didn't use the word "prance."
5) Maiden really was not the same without Adrian. I am glad they included "Bruce" version of the Blaze songs, but more for the inclusion of Adrian on those tracks.
$9? That's a pretty good deal for a double album. I'll probably buy it. And yes, El Dorado does rule.
Well, you can still make it one if you don't mind removing a few pages of the booklet.  :D
It's the page right in the middle of it so if you try and take it off carefully it will look pretty nice.

I'm not going to do that though.
Yeah, I was at Best Buy last night and picked it up for $10.  It's kind of different listening to these songs in this order.  I agree, Holy Smoke is probably my least favorite song on here. 
Perhaps photocopying it from the booklet would work?
Mosh said:
$9? That's a pretty good deal for a double album. I'll probably buy it. And yes, El Dorado does rule.

Sorry, It was actually $9.99. The heat in New York is making my brain feel like Eddie's in the Clairvoyant/Evil That Men Do covers!

I also got it at Best Buy (see Donner's post above).
Because that song is not on the album. And the term Fear fits better to their advertisements:
A collection of "fearful" songs!
I don't think I get what you mean. Of course it isn't on the album, but he is asking why isn't it on the album. (I am too)