Which is the sleeper hit on the album for you?


So there I was minding my own business having a pint with Mother of Mercy and Where the Wild Wind Blows, when who walks in and slaps me on the back of the head?
The Talisman. This one for me is the sleeper hit. It didn't grab me on first listen, not even third or fourth but last night on the way home from work it started playing straight away and WOW!!! Loving this!! From the acoustic melodic beginning to the inevitable kick off of JOY!  :edmetal: Well played sirs!
I also had to take a couple of listens to the Talisman to enjoy it, but like you said, it goes from that acoustic melody (Similar to the Legacy) and goes into that great riff, with Steve Harris playing the galloping rhythm. Great song. Also, Starblind, that harmony at the end is EPIC!
Mother of Mercy. I couldn't get into it the first listen, and I felt it was simply just a filler track. Days later, I gave it another couple listens, and it blew me away! I think it had to do with a roaring headache I was dealing with during the first listen, I was also exhausted and it just didn't click. I now feel that it is a very great track, but not one of the best on the album.
I'm not really sure how anyone could be surprised by the brilliance of The Talisman. From the first moment it grabs you and never lets you go. I suppose the grower for me is The Man Who Would be King. Not that I didn't enjoy it from the off but some of the guitar work in it is really outstanding. Loving it.
starblind. I havn't  clicked with TMWWBK yet so  hopefully that one too.
The thing I love about Starblind is the way Bruce is "crying" out the lyrics.  I haven't heard a song with that kind of emotional delivery since Infinite Dreams.
Hard to say, because Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner grabbed me and blew me away, some 18 years after first having that album. It took me more or less a year to "get" Out of the Shadows. The Fugitive, Edge of Darkness, Innocent Exile and The Prophecy have all done the same thing too, so I really can't say after having the album for 3 days.

However, The Alchemist has quickly risen in awesomeness between my first and third listens. Like others, TMWWBK is the only one I that hasn't fallen into place with.
I am still in the "omg overwhelmed!!" phase - all the songs on the album are forming a seething mass of awesome in my head and I'm finding it hard to decide which ones I like more or less than the others.  Starblind is definitely one I want to listen to more, because for some reason, every time it comes on, the phone rings, or one of the kids decides that now would be a good time to leap on daddy's head, or something.  Definitely loving Isle of Avalon, though, mostly because of its fantastic opening section.  Overall, though, really storming album across the board.  Majorly blown away :)
Yeah I'd have to say El Dorado as well, especially right now. When it first was released I was extremely disappointed, and when the album leaked I ended up liking it more and more after hearing it in the context of the whole experience.

Otherwise I thought TMWWBK was a little underwhelming upon first listen but grew on me considerably over a few listens. Every other track clicked with me when I first heard it.
Starblind's taken a kicking in some reviews, but it's lodged in my head alongside Mother of Mercy right now. Only The Alchemist seems weak to me now I've listened to the album about fifteen times!

It's slowly dawning on me that I've been waiting 22 years for this album...
Mother of Mercy is, to me, the best "short" song on the album by far.  Everything about it is pure awesome.  I like it more than The Alchemist and Coming Home.
All the songs are great! Some have grown on me more than others.
The only one I don't really care for too much is WTWWB.
It just sounds kind of happy and feels different than the rest of the tracks.
Most of the time it seems I am waiting for it to end. And I usually like all the long epics they wrote in the past.