WHAMAGEDDON *insert current year*

I got whammed monday morning at the hotel breakfast table.

Edit: this sentence looks rather awkward after reading but I really heard the song while eating a croissant. :lol:
I lose every year because I want to remind myself which song we're talking about... But two days ago my family decided to play Christmas songs for whatever reason, so I got whammed naturally for the first time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
From the official web-page:

The Rules!​

The 1st Rule​

The objective is to go as long as possible without hearing WHAM's Christmas classic; "Last Christmas".

The 2nd Rule​

The game starts on December 1st, and finishes at the end of December 24th.
Use your local timezone, if you'd like.
(Yes, we're European heathens)

The 3rd Rule​

Only the original version applies. Enjoy the ?#!$&%! out of remixes and covers.

The 4th Rule​

You're out as soon as you recognise the song.

Bonus Rule​

Post on social media with the #whamageddon hashtag when you get hit.


While we can't stop you from deliberately sending your friends to Whamhalla, the intention is that this is a survival game. Not a Battle Royale. So ... don't be a dick, mkay?

It starts on Friday.
Otherwise I'd be both Whammed and Mariahed.
December 10th (Sunday) 8:50 AM - Whammed by local radio station.
December 10th (Sunday) 9:30 AM - Mariahed by different local radio station.
I was Mariahed today when one of the questions in the company's Christmas quiz was about when that song was released
I'm lucky, there's no advertisement or radio playing this song... And none in my family is knowing it, except my sister who is a great fan of Wham but she's living 700 km from me and my parents... And she never came at home during holidays since 2012... So, I'm still protected from Whamageddon. :p

The only Christmas song that I'm risking to hear is :

I'm lucky, there's no advertisement or radio playing this song... And none in my family is knowing it, except my sister who is a great fan of Wham but she's living 700 km from me and my parents... And she never came at home during holidays since 2012... So, I'm still protected from Whamageddon. :p

The only Christmas song that I'm risking to hear is :

I really hate that song! My mom has it on a christmas compilation CD. Horrible! :eek: