Twickenham gig, my review


My first ever Maiden gig, got there about 5 o clock, in time to see the first support band, Within Temptaion who were very good and well recieved. They did a 6-song set, and when they came off, a seriously MASSIVE war of bottle-throwing began which got more and more frantic as time went on untill the next band, Avenged Sevenfol came on. They were very well recieved but the crowd was already chanting Maiden

They finally came on at 8:15 with Aces High to whih the crowd went MENTAL. I was fairly near the front but the ENTIRE stadium turned into a mosh-pit for the first songs (Aces and 2 Minutes..). The band was tight throughout, played the same setlist they've been doing all year, but the crowd (and me) loved every minute of it, screaming along to every word. When they got to the final number, 'Hallowed be thy name', it really went insane, the crowd dancing around like their lives depended on it!

As far as first gigs go, for me it was absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!

What'd everyone else think?
I missed all three support acts (too busy supping beer with NA and then admiring the impressive Twickenham from the outside - whilst supping more beer) but this gig has made me realise even more why I think that this band is so bloody good.

Best moments of the gig:

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Heaven Can Wait, Aces High, The Clairvoyant were sublime - but to start the encore with Moonchild was just, well, amazing.

Standing next to me was what sums up the Maiden audience - a man in his forties singing along to all the words with, what looked like, his two young sons donned in their Maiden t-shirts. The age range of their audience is quite staggering really.

I did record the show and it came out a shade better than the Earls Court attempt, but if I'm to do this again, I really do need a better mic. I will share this recording - but I rather inadvertently forgot to switch the mic power on until half way through the third song -

So who got the rugby ball? :D
What happened at the end of Avenged sevenfolds set? I hear him shout for security and point out someone in the crowd, and then the last song seemed to wrap-up midway through.

Maiden were incredible though,
Rime and Powerslave back-to-back was the greatest thing ever to hear live.
spalec said:
What happened at the end of Avenged sevenfolds set? I hear him shout for security and point out someone in the crowd, and then the last song seemed to wrap-up midway through.
Someone collapsed apparently.

The gig was great, but so pushy down at the front, I almost went over a few times myself.

Albie and I had a good time outside with our beers. I'm not too sorry about missing the support acts, and going another week without hearing Within Temptation. Here's the obligatory meet-up pic of me and Albie taken outside, in front of some Rugby building. I realise now we probably should've got the stadium behind us instead.
Gig was awesome. Yeah Avenged Sevenfold interrupted their last song because somebody fell over and security weren't doing a bloody thing to help them get up before they were crushed. Was an odd end to their set but credit to them for doing the right thing.
Maiden were great. No real set list surprises but fucking hell it sounded good :)
national acrobat said:
Here's the obligatory meet-up pic of me and Albie taken outside, in front of some Rugby building. I realise now we probably should've got the stadium behind us instead.
I'm 99.9% sure that building is the RFU head office. But yeah, the stadium as a back drop would have been better in hindsight.

national acrobat said:
Albie and I had a good time outside with our beers.
This has to be my last one....perhaps this should be my last one...where's that supermarket? :D
Yup If your the one on the left in the white shirt, probably just a coincidence. Inless I saw you when I was in England couple years ago but I dout that.
He sure looks familiar to me. He looks like that bloke I hung out with at Earl's Court in '06.
I m not sure but yes he do looks familiar
it was some ages ago, in a wine bar ?? -or during a cricket match ?? who knows is just me imagination maybe  :D

nash looks very familiar too
Amazing show especially
Rime and Hallowed
the crowd response was great you could always hear them. Bruce was great with his ranting always better than the needless swearing most metal vocalists use.
SD93 said:
Amazing show especially
Rime and Hallowed
the crowd response was great you could always hear them. Bruce was great with his ranting always better than the needless swearing most metal vocalists use.
Youve obviously never listened to the Rock in Rio bootleg
OK, so here they are - my personal taping of the Twickenham gig recorded on a minidisc.

They comprise of four zip files with around 4 or 5 songs in each (and between 33MB to 49MB in size), but as stated before, the recording starts midway through the third song.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Personally, I don't think it came out too bad soundwise. I did try to play about with it to clean it up a bit, but it is left as is. I also thought to extract the audio from some YouTube vids of the Twickenham gig to replace the missing numbers - but opted not to.

Note also, that these MP3 files are, rather surprisingly [/sarcasm], named after their respective song - so if you don't want to know the set list and you are yet to see them this tour - DON'T DOWNLOAD 'EM.

Enjoy. :D
Albie said:
OK, so here they are - my personal taping of the Twickenham gig recorded on a minidisc.

They comprise of four zip files with around 4 or 5 songs in each (and between 33MB to 49MB in size), but as stated before, the recording starts midway through the third song.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Personally, I don't think it came out too bad soundwise. I did try to play about with it to clean it up a bit, but it is left as is. I also thought to extract the audio from some YouTube vids of the Twickenham gig to replace the missing numbers - but opted not to.

Note also, that these MP3 files are, rather surprisingly [/sarcasm], named after their respective song - so if you don't want to know the set list and you are yet to see them this tour - DON'T DOWNLOAD 'EM.

Enjoy. :D
thanks! but how do i download the files?
Click on any one of the links and it takes you to Megaupload. Key in the 3 digits as requested, and then click Download.

That's it.