The "review the previous song post" thread


Ancient Mariner
I thought we'd try this one. A user posts a song and a link to it. The following poster then listens to it and review (preferably with more than, you know, three words....)  and rates it (1-10) it before he/she posts the next song: And the wheels on the bus go round, round round.

I'll go first.

Sebastian Bach: Kicking and Screaming (2011)
Ah, the long awaited 2010 studio album's title track.

I think it's decent. There are better songs on the album though, but as the catchy, pop-ish single this song works well.  Made of Metal (the album) was an effort at recreating retro 80's metal. It had some great tunes, some good ones and some sub par fillers (The Mower, for instance...). The title track is catchy, although a bit repetitive with pretty lame lyrics, intended for NASCAR commercials and whatnot. The production works better on that song than on the rest of the album (pretty poor production overall on the album, which takes away quite a bit of the joy of listening to it), and the delay effects work really well. The breakdown is killer


Helloween: Are You Metal
Night Prowler said:
I like the production on that album, works great on songs like Matador, for example.
Second worst song on 7 Sinners, stupid as fuck lyrics. Also, I hate the production on the whole album. 2,5/10

Helloween - Fallen To Pieces

(One of my favorite Helloween songs)
It works on some songs. On other songs, "Like There's No Tomorrow" it's horrible. Sounds very cheap, with what it sounds like no dubbed guitars (you usually record the same guitar over and over again and layer them. They are layered on some tracks though). Sounds thin and cheap, especially the guitars. I played Like There's No Tomorrow to the resident Metal Production-inclined teacher at Audio school, because I wanted to know if it was only I who thought it sounded thin and cheap. He replied "It sounds like they ran out of money half way through the album". :p

I like the verses and the prechorus. The chorus is alright, but nothing that will stick ni my head to be honest. Works great as the ending though. Good production, and decent vocals. Deris isn't a bad singer at all, it's just that he doesn't blend well with Helloweens older material. It often sounds like kareoke whne he attempts to sing "I Want Out", but he's great with songs written for him. I might like this song more if I listen to it a few times, but the preliminary rating is 6.5/10, same as Made of Metal.

Blaze: Ghost in the Machine

(edit: youtube ruins the audio btw... Sounds much better on the actual CD.)

Edit 2: Listened again. 7/10.
The opener of the classic debut album. I still remember the second when I heard it first... I was not impressed that much, and in hindsight I still think it's a fine track but absolutely not that great when you compare it with songs later on the album. It's not that melodic as some other jewels, and a bit monotone.  7

Jacobs Dream: Kinescope from self titled album (2000)
Hmm... The music is good, and the synths provide depth and fatness to the song. The synth-violins or whatever are cool and they respond to the vocal line. The only thing that I have a reservation against is the Geddy Lee-ish vocals. I don't think they fit it, although they are good. Nice melodic solo. Solid ending.

6.5/10. A good track.

Saxon: Crusader

Yax said:
Hmm... The music is good, and the synths provide depth and fatness to the song. The synth-violins or whatever are cool and they respond to the vocal line.

Guitar synth.

Yax said:
The only thing that I have a reservation against is the Geddy Lee-ish vocals. I don't think they fit it, although they are good. Nice melodic solo. Solid ending.

Actually back in the day, this US band was welcomed as an interesting mix of Iron Maiden and Queensryche (use of vocals are not that different from Geoffs). Oh wait I am not allowed to review my own song.  :D
Forostar said:
Guitar synth.

Actually back in the day, this US band was welcomed as an interesting mix of Iron Maiden and Queensryche (use of vocals are not that different from Geoffs). Oh wait I am not allowed to review my own song.  :D
Guitar synths. Right. Sounded a bit like synth violins to me (10 year old synth violins that is, that doesn't sound like actual violins)  :D

Geoff Tate? I thought the vocals sounded more like Geddy Lee.  :P
Yax said:

9/10. One of three Saxon songs that everybody needs to know, and everything else sounds the same. This one stands out for its amazing drum sound, I always fall in love with it. The song provides an atmosphere that is not only atypical for the band, but also quite unique in the entire heavy metal genre. Brilliant piece of music.

Dio - Caught in the Middle
The sound indeed yes, Yax.  :)

Love Dio´s shorter mid tempo catchy songs. This is no exception. Simple, melodic, to the point. 7,5

Soilwork; Needlefeast from the album A Predator's Portrait (2001)

(man this is difficult, like Per I also reviewed the previous Saxon song and now I had to start all over again, and make it short before another would have a go at it  :))
Interesting one. I'm not the biggest fan of these type of vocals, they mostly make the songs "unlistenable" in my case. But the riffs are very cool, melodies are nice (especially the introduction of the solo) even though it's a little noisy. (I don't know if it's about the production or the video) 6/10.

Here's a song from my favorite Turkish band. (actually the only Turkish metal band I like, unfortunately) Mezarkabul - Lions in a Cage :
Wow really nice. I love those Eastern melodies. Around the 3rd minute an especially atmospheric orchestral part enters. 7,5

After Forever - Follow in the Cry from debut album Prison of Desire (2000)

A pretty good tune with some good riffing. I'm not a big fan of the vocals but I can stand them. The middle part is pretty good. 7/10

Something else than metal: Elonkorjuu - Unfeeling. A short song from one of the best Finnish bands. Opener from their debut Harvest Time (1972).

When's this from? Late 60's?

I find the song soothing. This is background music to me, with no preference to either way regarding if it's "good" or not. I'm sure this is a great for song for fans of the genre. I can enjoy listening to it but I wouldn't put it on myself.


Fogerty, Centerfield (not Metal either. Root Rock (modern tag to describe country influenced bluesrock bands):

That's a bit of a weird song. I don't know the band too well but I can imagine they made more straight to point songs not as experimental as this one. Nothing wrong with experiments but this one isn't that melodic and apart from the solo I can't find much in it to enjoy. 6

Running Wild - Riding the Storm from Death or Glory (1989)
Ack, do links to Youtube videos automatically do that? Too many embedded videos and page goes slow.
Running Wild - Riding the Storm from Death or Glory (1989)
Very good song. I guess HammerFall was very inspired by this song while recording this one:
Maybe it's just me, but vocal melodies on the chorus are very similar.

STRATOVARIUS - The Abyss Of Your Eyes:
Stratovarius is kind of a mixed bag for me. They have some pretty damn catchy songs, and Tolkki is pretty damn talanted. I do however have somewhat a problem with Koltipelto. His voice doesn't rhyme with me that well.

This song is pretty good, but as a casual Stratovarius listener, it doesn't stick like Hunting High and Low, or Black Diamond.

Still a pretty rocking tune. I would've liked it to be slightly faster though! 7/10.

Primal Fear: Fighting The Darkness.