The Official I Popped My Clogs Because The Final Frontier Leaked Thread

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Well, I gave link to dozens of people, but I'll only listen to it on Monday.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

WHAT!!! There is a leak? pls  my mail is  pls! ive just returned from work and i have 3 days off to listen and listen and listen and listen the new album!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

OK, please can somebody at least just confirm that they've downloaded the album and successfully burnt it onto a disc and knows for a fact it works?  THANK YOU.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Right just given the album a whirl and finished it literally a second ago. Gonna type my opinions out since I've got nowt better to do.

1. Satellite 15.....The Final Frontier - 9.5/10 - For some reason this song is my favourite off the entire album. It's probably the chorus, and the intro itself, which just made me go a bit crazy when I realized it was Maiden I was listening to.
2. El Dorado - 9/10 - Again a song that's grown on me but it's simplicity throughout in terms of it just driving forward got me and I really do like this song.
3. Mother Of Mercy 5:20 - 8/10 - Great song in terms of atmosphere, but not as strong as the first two but keeps the momentum going no doubt.
4. Coming Home 5:52 - 9/10 - Absolutely love this song. Might be a ballad with the verse dynamics ripped straight out of Lord of Light (Which is one of my favourite Maiden songs ever) that just makes it a real get your lighters out song.
5. The Alchemist 4:29 - 8/10 - Maiden go Power Metal. Nothing to complain about since they inadvertently kickstarted the genre.
6. Isle Of Avalon 9:06 - 9.5/10 - Insanely great song and feels like Steve Harris giving a bit of a finger to Dream Theater by going pretty prog on this one.
7. Starblind 7:48 - 8/10 - Another strong song and one that carries itself pretty well and is solid all round without being overly spectacular. Reminded me a lot of Infinite Dreams, which isn't a bad thing at all.
8. The Talisman 9:03 - 6/10 - I did not like this song as much as the others. A bit of a filler epic if that's the best way to put it.
9. The Man Who Would Be King 8:28 - 6/10 - Not great, but still a decent song. A bit too Tears of The Dragon / Out of The Shadows for me which considering how classic those two songs were weakens it's appeal.
10. When The Wild Wind Blows 10:59 - 9/10 - The almost upbeat and difficult to describe melody that Steve Harris has written here really did give me goosebumps. Feels like a mix of something out of a Crusades film and War of the Worlds play. Need a few listens on this one since it lulls in a couple places in my opinion.

All in all pretty much what was expected and more. It's got some of Maiden's most progressive pieces on there, and also a couple songs I'm not sure would've made the album if I had my way. They could've gone really 80s and skipped The Talisman and The Man Who Would Be King and we'd have a classic Maiden album to me.

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

judas_rising said:
OK, please can somebody at least just confirm that they've downloaded the album and successfully burnt it onto a disc and knows for a fact it works?  THANK YOU.

Yes, it works.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

HallowedBeMyName said:
So how exactly can I get a link to this leak?

I'm not sure, but you should check your email sometime.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

First of all, I'm new here.  Hi.  Secondly, I'm listening to the new album right now and I'm not liking it very much.  Don't get me wrong, compared to all the commercial rock/metal crap that comes out these days, this is pure gold.  However, for Iron Maiden standards I find it subpar.  Maybe it will grow on me like A Matter of Life and Death did. 
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

lcarus said:
First of all, I'm new here.  Hi.  Secondly, I'm listening to the new album right now and I'm not liking it very much.  Don't get me wrong, compared to all the commercial rock/metal crap that comes out these days, this is pure gold.  However, for Iron Maiden standards I find it subpar.  Maybe it will grow on me like A Matter of Life and Death did. 

For the most part, the best of Maiden's albums are hard to grab at first.  Two of my favorites are X Factor and AMOLAD and both of those were slow burners for me.  This one appears to be no different.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Tried to upload it to mediafire and it says failure after the download is complete. Any help?
Nevermind I got it. Thanks
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Th

Hello, I'm kinda new to this board and I'm dead curious about the leak. If anyone could mail me at it'd be much appreciated.
Please and thank you :D
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Morning lads, knew if I went to bed I would miss something big :) Can someone point me in the right direction.... cheers
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Alright, I tried Rhapsody and Windows Media to burn the cd.. SAME EXACT THING.  I'm about to try using my sister's PC now, but if the same thing happens then it somehow HAS to be the files, right?  And if that's the case, and some of you have claimed to have burnt this already with success, did I somehow get a bad copy of the files?  I got the ones emailed to me and the ones from a certain website with a ship, they all seem to be the same exact files so how can mine be faulty?