Song Title Game


His name struck fear into hearts of men
Staff member
This game was played here many years ago, and we had a lot of fun with it. Don't bother looking for that thread - it's long gone.

The idea is that you describe the title of a Maiden song in your own words and have other people guess which song you meant. For example, I write "Waltzing Deceased", and you correctly assume that I described the title Dance of Death. The person who correctly guesses the song gets to post the next riddle. In order to keep this alive as long as possible, I'd say if there is no answer within two or three days, anybody can post the next one. Since I'm a person who prefers to make the rules up as we go, I say we can variate the rules whenever we feel like it.

Experience from the old game showed that it's best to post some easy ones at first and then gradually increase difficulty. Therefor, I'll start off with an easy one:

"Move towards the highlands with increased velocity."
This one is going to be easy as cake so I'm just going to get it out of the way:

"A torture device that was used in medieval times."
Dammit! Somebody else better figure it out, or I'll just spend the whole night going nuts. :p
Did you know that there was actually no attested usage of an Iron Maiden during the Middle Ages? The infamous Nuremberg Iron Maiden, the only known non-recent specimen first appears in a document dated to 1533, but apparently forged in 1793, and there is no documented case of its usage.
I got it, without even trying. :p

Here's a tougher one:
