Maiden songs you would write

I havn't played this one in a while. I almost beat it and lost the final boss. I havn't touched it since. It is quite a long game.
LooseCannon said:
Chrono Cross soundtrack is my personal favourite of all time, but Command & Conquer is great. "Hell March" is one of the best, and most iconic, video game songs of all time.

I also have a penchant for tunes from Final Fantasy.

Oh, Hell March is only the start. I love Frank's mix of rock, ambient, electronica and techno music. Some of my favourite examples:

And while were on the subject, here's a couple of tastes of his solo, non-game, non-soundtrack efforts:

Obviously, by far my most favourite game composer ever (along with Westwood being one of my favourite ever games developers).
portermoresby said:
Actually, this topic was about something else entirely.

Welcome to If you think about how our duty is not just enforcing forum rules and banning members, but also moderating threads to stay on track, we Moderators are terrible at our job.
Perun said:
Welcome to If you think about how our duty is not just enforcing forum rules and banning members, but also moderating threads to stay on track, we Moderators are terrible at our job.

I'm not sure I catch your drift, so to speak. If you mean that you're too busy to keep all threads on track, then, ok, it's not a big deal. I just thought the original topic would've been interesting. I like VG music a lot but I was just wondering how come it had changed from fantasy Maiden tracks to discussing VG songs. Again, it's no big deal.
I don't mean we're too busy, it's just an empiric fact that threads on this board (especially in the Maiden Chat section) don't stay on topic for very long. Nobody knows why, and it's beyond our control. Check this thread for a particularly extreme example where even the threadjacking got jacked regularly.
Perun said:
I don't mean we're too busy, it's just an empiric fact that threads on this board (especially in the Maiden Chat section) don't stay on topic for very long. Nobody knows why, and it's beyond our control. Check this thread for a particularly extreme example where even the threadjacking got jacked regularly.

Then your welcome is... welcome. I didn't know this happened that often. I'm not offended or anything, mind you, just a bit surprised.
It's one of the things I like here. Our threads are, more often than not, a conversation. Conversations have a way of moving away from the norm.

If you'd like to get back on topic by all means, yell at everyone to get back to the topic! It usually works. For awhile…

LooseCannon said:
It's one of the things I like here. Our threads are, more often than not, a conversation. Conversations have a way of moving away from the norm.

If you'd like to get back on topic by all means, yell at everyone to get back to the topic! It usually works. For awhile…


No, my friend, don't worry. I was just wondering. We can talk about whatever the forum guys out there want to talk about, and VG music is cool.
I can't WAIT for Skyrim!  Not to mention Dragon Age 2, Witcher 2, and Mass Effect 3 all this year!  Oh god yes!  Up the irons!
Onhell said:
That... was epic. Thanks for the video, goes to show that Australia has the two most badass sports in Rugby and AF.

What console was that game for?

Haha, it seems so wierd that most people haven't heard of AFL, its our biggest sport over here :D

I feel jealous of you Americans out there - you guys get the NBA! I have to sit over here and watch like 5-6 games per week whereas you guys get like every game.
Jupz said:
Haha, it seems so wierd that most people haven't heard of AFL, its our biggest sport over here :D

I feel jealous of you Americans out there - you guys get the NBA! I have to sit over here and watch like 5-6 games per week whereas you guys get like every game.

The biggest version of Football in the Americas is Free Association Football (soccer) followed by American Football. All other versions have EXTREMELY niche markets and while I am lucky enough to know about Rugby, I hadn't heard of AFL until now, even in my "research" of how "Football" and all its many forms came to be.
I don't think we need another song about Jack the Ripper.

you're in for surprise
you're in for a shock...
I think this is an AWESOME thread (at least at the start  :P) and a great idea. I'd nominate an Iron Maiden song about communism and how it destroyed lives and killed over 100 million people. Maybe basing it on the minutiae-obsessed novels of Josef Skvorecky, where life goes on but is permeated by communistic madness. They could even title the song "Engineer of Human Souls," and have a 10 minute epic (not unlike WTWWB) about being lied to and people disappearing to the gulags and lives being crushed by the machine. Maybe kind of a 2112, rage-against-the machine type song. Or they could base it on Yury Dombrovsky's work "The Faculty of Useless Knowledge," about Stalin's terror, where people denounced each other just to save themselves and then died anyway (the book is about an archaeologist in Soviet Alma-ata who goes about his business (actually, it's an extension of his first book, "The Keeper of Antiquities") and is pulled into a net by the KGB who need higher numbers for the boss). I think Maiden could capture the pathos of communism better than anyone else.