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I blame Obamana.

In other news, such a weary day. Decided to skip school because it would've been physically impossible to get out of bed.
Fricking 107 yesterday in Vegas, supposed to be about the same today. I was outside all of 15 minutes yesterday getting into/out of a cab and waiting for a second cab to show up. Not helping was wearing dress pants, shirt, and sports coat. I like coming here for vacation much better :)
No kidding, anytime the temperature hits 90, dress codes should go out the window.

I did bring my Maiden shirt from here, I don't have any meetings Friday, so I can wear that and shorts home.
My idea of "work clothes" has become so less formal after living in the Southwest and working around creatives for so long. People in the creative fields in L.A., Arizona, and Utah think you're dressed up for work as long as you have a collared shirt. Doesn't matter if it's worn unbuttoned with a Maiden t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans.
Yeah, I generally wear basketball shorts and a t-shirt working at the house. This is a meet a bunch of clients who are all at this conference kind of trip. So dressy, on the plus side, some really good dinners. Had a $75 filet last night that was incredibly good.

Also, after almost a month at this job, first time I am meeting any of my co workers/boss.
I'm currently eating 4 meals a day and working out. If I fail to gain weight again, I'll stop trying for good.