Iron Maiden songs that you flat out dislike?

Fuck kind of drugs are you using, the post wasn’t about whether [...] the opinion is right or not

It’s. About. Whether. Or. Not. Virus. Is. A. Popular. Blaze. Song. Among. Fans.
When the opinion is about whether or not the song is popular amongst fans, I’d say that’s pretty much exactly what the post was about. And when people state their opinions as fact with nothing to back them up other than their own personal experience, which is a minuscule fraction of the full picture, that is again completely relevant to the post.

I could have replied condescendingly with one word on each line as if it were its own sentence, but that would have been incredibly annoying.
  1. Fear Is The Key (by far the worst... an abomination)
  2. Wasting Love (by far the 2nd worst... atrocious)
  3. From Here To Eternity (ugly as hell rocker)
  4. The Angel And The Gambler (do I need to explain?)
  5. Age Of Innocence (what is this mess?)
  6. Weekend Warrior (not that awful as people picture it but it simply doesn't work as a Maiden song)
  7. Hooks In You (another ugly as hell rocker... cool chorus though)
  8. Quest For Fire (cheesy lyrics and singing)
  9. Gangland (messy as hell)
  10. The Apparition (cool bridge and solo but the verses are way too flat and boring)
  11. Shadows Of The Valley (Wasted years ripp off then a poorly made tune with poor singing)
  12. Chains Of Misery (that chorus and bridge... ouch)
  13. When Two Worlds Collide (... boooooring)
  14. The Mercenary (... boooooring)
  15. The Fugitive (...booooring)
  16. Fallen Angel (decent song but a crappy chorus)
  17. Don't Look To The Eyes Of A Stranger (nice passages but some repetitive crap and a clusterfuck of a structure)
  18. Brave New World (Great intro, melodies and crescendo totally ruined by a repetitive, predictable structure - especially the chorus)
  19. Dream Of Mirrors (same as BNW except the chorus - that happens to be great - but with an awful intro)
  20. Virus - full version (the calm part is utterly horrible. Thankfully we have the single edit that rules)
P.S. : Although I kinda dislike the whole list the first 5 songs are the only ones that really make my stomach turn.
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Yup... :( is also my reaction because both songs have immense potential and amazing base to work on (great melodies and crescendo in the case of BNW and chorus and verses in the case of DOM). But it seems the band didn't want to put a lot of effort while arranging them. What a waste... :(
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I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Can't remember if I posted here.

- Twilight Zone
- Gangland
- Quest For Fire
- Chains of Misery
- The Apparition
- The Angel and the Gambler
- Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
- Como Estais Amigos

No I will not explain.
Why not. :) This is my Top 5, first 2 albums. The songs are not in any order, though. Prepare to be shocked, this might be better in the blasphemy thread!
-Prowler (love the music, the lyrics probably not so much :D)
-Wrathchild (really rockin')
-Prodigal Son (surprise!)

-Twilight Zone (This sounds lame, I know, but I love the romantic story in these lyrics. As you know, most Maiden is not very romantic. These songs are quite important to me actually.)

Since this is the dislike thread, let me get myself back on track by mentioning some songs I actively dislike:
-Chains of Misery (depressing lyrics)
-Hooks in You ( I really hate the lyrics)
-Mother Russia (Don't like the lyrics here either)

Nice of ya, and good to see Purgatory there, buddy girl.