Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!


Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Staff member
Arrr, har har har, me hearties!

It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and I be preparin' to spread the good word about this whole sea, har har har.  It be time to listen to some Alestorm and give prayers to the Flyin' Spaghetti Monster!  Now, avast ye, and swab the decks!

Anyway, if I should be really heretically and brutally honest, I have to admit that Alestorm is getting a bit stale for me. Having seen them live three times now, the novelty has worn off, and while the studio albums are still brilliant and I love listening to them, you can tell their live show lives from the enthusiasm of the crowd because, in all honesty- they suck live. They are really bad onstage, the guitars sound crappy, the singer frequently hits the wrong keys on the keyboard and he is also not very good at singing live.
Now you never notice that when they're playing stuff like Wenches and Mead, Captain Morgan's Revenge, Nancy the Tavern Wench or Keelhauled, because it's really just a huge party and you get into it and forget everything... but when they play the odd song that isn't very much to sing along to or that you simply don't know, you suddenly pay attention to the way they play... and wish they're going to bolt something out that the crowd knows all the words to again.