God, I haven't been drunk in a long time and it's quiite great. .Great time hsave been had tonight, but there's a greatly disturbing sound in my ears from thel oud music.
Don't you ever drink a drink called Freddy Krueger. Our pool team won today and we celebrated a little too hard. It will give you nightmares! (Pun fully intended.) (Seriously, dont drink it though)
I could've sworn there were more posts after this in this thread. I'm probably just drunk. or I learned to time travel.
In other news my pool team won again! Tonight's celebrations consisted of Jägerbombs and Rumple Minze shots.
Pool team lost tonight. Still in good shape for the playoffs. We go to Vegas if we win the local league, and do well enough in the next stages. Drinks have been consumed. End communication.
I think Lampwick is fast heading towards some sort of award. And possibly organ failure too.