December 21, 2012

There has been extinction level event theories since humans first learnt to paint on walls and carve in stone. There has been predictions the world will end in the 1990's and many also thought 2000 was going to be the time the world ended. If you research 2012 there are literally thousands of different premonitions of how the world is going to end but the most popular is the return of Nibiru or Planet X, a mystery planet which has an elliptical orbit taking out into the depths of space and back into the inner solar system every 3600 years or so.
it is alledged the last time Planet X was close to earth it's gravitational pull caused polar shifts and resulted in a great flood. many people believe the flood referred to in the Old Testament to be as a result of Planet X. The flood has also been recorded in ancient Sumerian texts. So in 2012 Planet X will be close to earth again to cause havoc, or so you would be led to believe. If it was that close that in 3 years time a massive planet is going to enter the inner solar system and either collide with the earth (it has been alledged that the earth was once a much larger, rocky, desolate planet and that life only started here as a result of a previous collsion) or come close enough to us to cause floods, or close enough to the sun to cuase massive solar flares then we would be seeing it by now, probably with the naked eye.
I personally believe it to be utter bullshit however it does make interesting reading. There are even websites where you can part with cash to receive your 2012 survivial kit!!! The sad thing is I bet many people have parted with their money for the stuff.
It's not about planets and destruction at all. There are numerological theories which are based on ancient Chinese mathematic theories, that predict the start of major change in our society on that date. Anyone who operated Timewave and researched a bit of math behind it, can see some astonishing results, the rapid amplitude change around dates of industrial revolution, world war 2 and other significant historical events.

So, no cataclysm for our dear planet. I don't believe that may happen. What i believe may happen, is the start of something rather important for whole world. It may be war, flood, but it also may be birth of some important figure of the future, or some discovery that will lead to revolutionary technology in the future.
Alright Zare, just to please you, what research are you talking about? Care to point out any sources?
Yawn.  There's no such thing as predicting the future, even with math.  Sure, something may start in 2012 that will affect the world.  Chances are a future president, PM, or dictator will be born that year.  Something will be invented.  A natural disaster will occur.

That's because these things occur....every year.
Didn't Jehova's Witnesses predict something big, very big, extremely big, like the coming of the Lord for 1914?

Of course, it was no coincidence that a war in the making for a decade broke out that year. And of course it wouldn't be a coincidence for 2012.

Nobody predicted anything for 1939.
Forostar said:
Even if you would believe this. => Dunno if you read my post but the calculations were wrong.

Foro's right.  Plus, whoever started this theory of 2012 used a Mayan calendar which supposedly stops on DEc. 21 . . . except it doesn't.  ONly one period ends and then the next period begins.  Of course, the Mayans are no longer around as a civilization to clarify any of that . . . their calendar actually outlasted them, which puts the validity of the calendar theory of the end of the world at somewhere between phooey and dopey on the reality scale.

To me, this rumor makes a ton of money for the snake-oil salesmen who hawk it to the gullible.  I work with some people who believe in this, but I don't know why they believe it.  I don't want to ask them because of the bull to which I will subjugated. 

But I do wonder, if they believe in this end-of-the-world date, why they want to still work.  They should just take their savings and blow it on a long vacation, travel everywhere they want to go, and then end up back home for the end so they can watch it coming all cozy in their favorite recliner.  I figure though since they are still at work, that they don't truly believe in anything accept the endgame thrills of hysterical fads.

How odd too that people think that anyone merely human could figure out or should ever know the actual date of the end of the world.  If you want to believe in the religious idea of armageddon/judgement day, then it seems to me to be contrary to the idea behind armageddon that anyone should actually be all prepared, IMHO.  Like everyone's assuming they only are worthy of survival.

Of course, it makes me laugh about end-of-the-world survival kits.  If it's the end of the world, that means everything, and that will not be survived by anyone, so then you don't need a 'kit'.  If it is survived by someone, then it is not the end, and so then maybe the kit might come in handy, especially if it were to include a comb, toothbrush, my favorite eye cream, and of course, a towel. 

I think some of these dopes actually think end-of-the-world means the end for everyone else, while they get to go outside and play Mad Max until dinner time.

(Okay, I take end-of-the-world to mean end result=nothing=everything dead.  I suppose it could only mean end of civilization. ) Either way, phooey-hokum.
Perun said:
Nobody predicted anything for 1939.
Though there are several after constructed prophecies supposedly made by Nostradamus (there are no original writings of him whatsoever for that matter).
Oh God, Nostradamus. Now we really hit the ground.
Didn't we have a Nostradamus thread here a few years back? I think I remember no5 or somebody trying his hardest to convince me that shit was real.
Perun said:
Didn't we have a Nostradamus thread here a few years back? I think I remember no5 or somebody trying his hardest to convince me that shit was real.
Somehow I get this feeling that it didn't go so well.  :innocent:
I wonder what the psychology is behind why people believe or start end of the world theories?

The only end of the world theory I believe in is that eventually the Sun will turn into a Red Giant and consume the Earth. And thats only from what I have been taught in physics and the simple fact that all living things live and die, so naturally its fair to assume the "world" (whatever that means, as a planet or a civilization) will die in some way.
Alright Zare, just to please you, what research are you talking about? Care to point out any sources?

Actually no, i don't like to google for other people. I gave you a couple of keywords so if you want to know do it yourself.
And i don't care about this stuff, like i said, three years is a snap, then we'll see what's the whole buzz about.

And i don't actually think about it, either. I just watched two documentaries and that's about it.
Therefore, previous post was just an opinion. I don't give a fuck about prophecies, being an atheist/agnostic i really can't buy that stuff.
Zare said:
Actually no, i don't like to google for other people. I gave you a couple of keywords so if you want to know do it yourself.

Normally, I wouldn't let you get away so easily. If somebody makes claims, I only listen to them if they are ready to provide sources. But since you don't seem to care in the first place, I'm not going to make life harder for either of us.